True story...
My best friend Jocelyn was house sitting for her aunt and uncle who left for a 2 month trip to Portugal. They have a really old dog, and told her that if it passed away it would be fine as they were ecpecting it; they had arranged with the vet to have it cremated).
So the dog passed away on Monday afternoon and since everyone was at work and Jocelyn's car was on the fritz, she decided to take the dead dog to the vet by bus. She found a suitcase and put the dog in it (I'm not even joking! she really did this!) then headed off to the bus stop The suitcase was pretty heavy given that the dog was a Boarder Collie, so she had a hard time getting it on the bus. This guy gets up to help her and sits near her when the bus leaves. They got to talking and he asked what was in the suitcase. Embarrased she told him it was full of electronics. Time passes and she rings the bell for her stop. The man gets up to leave as well and helps her get the suitcase off the bus.
As soon as the bus leaves, he pushes her and grabs the suitcase and takes off down the street!
She called me crying and laughing at the same time! Can you imagine his surprise to find a dead dog instead of electronics?! Serves him right!
We didn't bother reporting the theft but spent a good part of that evening searching that neighborhood with the rest of our friends. No dead dog has turned up so far...
I'm going to see Spamalot on sunday!

Pipe Band pics... Is my Geekiness showing?
(I'm the one in the leopard print with the drum on the right)

Our bus during the trip to Belgium earlier this year
We re-named Raoule; he is now Cranberry and his friend the Partridge is Gravy. Gravy showed up last Friday and had also taken up residence at our buisness park. They're always together. So cute!

My best friend Jocelyn was house sitting for her aunt and uncle who left for a 2 month trip to Portugal. They have a really old dog, and told her that if it passed away it would be fine as they were ecpecting it; they had arranged with the vet to have it cremated).
So the dog passed away on Monday afternoon and since everyone was at work and Jocelyn's car was on the fritz, she decided to take the dead dog to the vet by bus. She found a suitcase and put the dog in it (I'm not even joking! she really did this!) then headed off to the bus stop The suitcase was pretty heavy given that the dog was a Boarder Collie, so she had a hard time getting it on the bus. This guy gets up to help her and sits near her when the bus leaves. They got to talking and he asked what was in the suitcase. Embarrased she told him it was full of electronics. Time passes and she rings the bell for her stop. The man gets up to leave as well and helps her get the suitcase off the bus.
As soon as the bus leaves, he pushes her and grabs the suitcase and takes off down the street!
She called me crying and laughing at the same time! Can you imagine his surprise to find a dead dog instead of electronics?! Serves him right!
We didn't bother reporting the theft but spent a good part of that evening searching that neighborhood with the rest of our friends. No dead dog has turned up so far...

I'm going to see Spamalot on sunday!

Pipe Band pics... Is my Geekiness showing?
(I'm the one in the leopard print with the drum on the right)

Our bus during the trip to Belgium earlier this year

We re-named Raoule; he is now Cranberry and his friend the Partridge is Gravy. Gravy showed up last Friday and had also taken up residence at our buisness park. They're always together. So cute!