a bunch of us took off for no particular reason last night. just felt like a drive.
when without warning this hellish fog descends on us and we're suddenly lost at sea. whenever wheather conditions get bad most 18 wheelers pull over, so generally the road is free. we reduced speed and posted lookouts for accidents up ahead. suddenly we pulled up alongside a schoolbus, driving way too fast for the conditions at hand. we kept our distance behind it and watched as the kids inside waved and generally enjoyed the bizarre atmospheric conditions. then the bus put on a sudden burst of speed, and quickly disappeared into the mist. we couldn't have been more than a hundred feet behind the thing. we went over the top of a hill and the fog lifted as quickly as it had settled. despite the road ahead being perfectly straight and having a clear view, the bus was gone. totally vanished. there was no way it could have gotten more than a few hundred feet ahead of us in the time it took for us to get separated. here's the last known picture of the ghost bus.

when without warning this hellish fog descends on us and we're suddenly lost at sea. whenever wheather conditions get bad most 18 wheelers pull over, so generally the road is free. we reduced speed and posted lookouts for accidents up ahead. suddenly we pulled up alongside a schoolbus, driving way too fast for the conditions at hand. we kept our distance behind it and watched as the kids inside waved and generally enjoyed the bizarre atmospheric conditions. then the bus put on a sudden burst of speed, and quickly disappeared into the mist. we couldn't have been more than a hundred feet behind the thing. we went over the top of a hill and the fog lifted as quickly as it had settled. despite the road ahead being perfectly straight and having a clear view, the bus was gone. totally vanished. there was no way it could have gotten more than a few hundred feet ahead of us in the time it took for us to get separated. here's the last known picture of the ghost bus.

Wow, that's creepy! Thanks btw!