the Banford's Liquid Tip permanent markers i use at work smell really good!
it's damn cold in my office. we're all wearing fingerless gloves and my boss still doesn't get the hint.
customers at this time of the year suck and are really grumpy and mean for no reason.
the methane gas burning accross the field looks pretty at this time of year.
(yup. I work a field way from a methane gas burning, sewage treatment plant... or shit factory) yum.
il y a trois dodos avant mes vacances! et six dodos avant noel! youpie!
i'm really in the mood for arts and crafts and tacos.
it's damn cold in my office. we're all wearing fingerless gloves and my boss still doesn't get the hint.
customers at this time of the year suck and are really grumpy and mean for no reason.
the methane gas burning accross the field looks pretty at this time of year.
(yup. I work a field way from a methane gas burning, sewage treatment plant... or shit factory) yum.
il y a trois dodos avant mes vacances! et six dodos avant noel! youpie!
i'm really in the mood for arts and crafts and tacos.
Don't sniff them too much!