My best friend has recently had pains in her pelvis and lower back. She's been through numerous tests and they found out she had a growth near her ovaries. Scary shit. She was under so much pain in a short amount of time that yesterday she went under the knife to have it removed.
She called me this morning to tell me details of the biopsy they did to find out what it was.
She had a freaking mound of human mishmash growing in her ovary! eww!
It's called a dermoid cyst, and hers had clumps of hair, skin, and sweat glands! I'm so creeped out! She's fine and she said the doctor's told her this happens more than people know! eww again!
Anyways, she thinks it's really cool but I'm grossed out. I would not have handled it well had I found out I had that in me. *shudders*
So when are you coming to Boston, so I can take pictures of something that inspires me?