I have been helping out a friend who has come back to town with only the bags in his hands. He stood with us in hotle a few days. I even went with me 2 work one knight. It helped me realize that problems weren't as bad. I been helping him look 4 a job. And he is helping me deal with my devorice. HE...
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I been wanting 2 write a new entry but i haven't been home the past 2 weeks.
Lots of things had come up lately.Old friends in troubble and dealing with problems of my own. I been staying at motal 6"s all week. I new that we spent 2 much time there when: I went to do laundry because i was out of clothes(1st sign) on...
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while enjoying some magical blue powder (smurf dust) last night in a hotle room with my-ex wife and a friend of her (some what) boyfriend. we got to talking about personal things and past problems in our love lives. like many others he was shocked to see us hanging out still.(listen people getting devoriced dosen't means total isolation?) we worked better as friends and not...
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there is so a way to go about helpng a person and so NOT. they have to examin you not your short commings. basically though. partnership compromise and perception is the key
ok so, not having realized who ya were till after i made my comment- i now issue you and a certain someone we both know- to change their SNs and NOT reveal it to one another- post your journals freely and openly and not for the others consumtion. its online, its a role play. it will be a good thing
just started this today. my friend showed me this and i liked. we r chilling getting hi and a good time. open to all ?"s and commits.