another weekend gone!! how shitty is that? i love my weekends. even if i have nothing to do, it's better than being at work. today was nice. had plans with my lil' girl for fathers day, but we didn't make it to everything. we hit the drive in fri night and seen Fantastic 4. it was cool. i've always loved the silver surfer. then saturday was suppose to be spent fishing, but that didn't work out. i was really excited about it too!! she's never been and it's about time she tries it out! she is 9. she wanted to go, but she wasn't feeling very good, so i took her back to her mom's house. maybe next weekend we can go. (i hope so!!) anyway, hope everyone is doing well. i'm looking forward to the havana party. well... Off I go! gotta get ready for work tomorrow. take care yall.

i dunno what i'd do if i didn't have my weekends, i'd probably go crazy!
Thats one of the perks of working in the mining industry, every weekend I have is 6 days long
haha. I only get them half as often, but hey, 6 day weekend