HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!! to all you mothers and moms to be! thnx for being great! and thnx for all that you do!! Not much going on. heading to a cookout today. a lil' shindig for my mommy. Mmm i can just smell the steaks on the grill!! yummy. Tomorrow is monday but fuck it, today is sunday. A day that i am almost useless on. Even a shower on Sunday feels to much like work. matter of fact, i haven't even changed my clothes from yesterday yet. i probably will. maybe. Hit the fetish bar twice this weekend. one night of drinks with funky names, (dyke's revenge, bloody vampire kisses) wasn't enough. I had to go all out. Hanging out at the Outland if anyone goes there, hit me up, we can get a lil' group thing going there, and get to meet some people. anyway, happy mothers day again to you mommies out there. have a good sunday.
You meet the most normal people and the most crazy people ever at fetish bars haha, theyre an awesome way to end the night because it just trips you out bigtime