Buenos tardes!! Happy belated 4:20 to everyone!! hope you got FUCKING STONED!! I smoked, I ate, i drank, smoked some more, drank a lil' more, then passed out... wonderful day!. Finally a beautiful sunny day round here. its been like cold as fuck and rainy for a couple weeks now. bout time we get some nice weather. i got a truck i wanna wax, and a garden to plant. today i'm off to do a lil' shopping. not my favorite pastime but i don't absolutely dread it either. shoe shopping is the worst. but i need some new digs so i gotta do it. hope you all have a great day. Clio i have to tell you that there is another woman in my sg life.... but you will never be forgotten.
lol not sure, but both clios ( Clio and Kleio) are my favs!!! maybe there is just something about the name. I think it has more to do with the wonderously large breasts!!!! Mmm Mmm good! take care all.

i forgot about 420 this year