hey the despair faction message boards are back up so if ur in the DF go an register!!!!!! any ways im good made a couple a new friends and some enemies... oh well thats life...

P.S. im thinkin about readin some Anne Rice. Vampire Chronicles.....i have asick fascination towards vampires
nice flat top.
bite me then.....
work sucks..... need a new job before i go to basic training..... i went and saw FATA (from autumn to ashes) and atreyu last night... fucking awsome.. i love hardcore (slam) dancing... got into a fight with some bro... but it was awsome alot kids had my back even though i didnt know them... oh well thats life ..... peace out homies
they are playing here tomorrow night i think.. my brother has tix... i lagged and didn't get any... maybe it was tonight. i am not sure...

you have good taste in music and movie smile
well, i have some bad news!!!!!!

i leave in august for Basic Training!!!!!!
well i have delayd as long as possible but i got the word that i have to leave in august to be able to make it to ranger school by the end ofthe year soooooo..... give me some input on some fellings or tell me how stupid i am or whatever...... byebye
frown frown that is very sad. at least you'll get super buff and tough( like you weren't already!) i'll fucking miss you!
that is sad news..... well think of me... while your out there.... smile
well ya, im back....... i found out about a really bad ass band called "MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE" their awsome.... check them out at mychemicalromance.com

also check out "AVENGED SEVENFOLD" their awsome as well avengedsevenfold.com........ how are all my peeps doin.. havent talked to anybody for a while but im back......
your not my mummy!!!!!
well i havent been here for a while... been with the girlfriend :-) lots of booty!!!!!! well gtg late...
ain't nothin finer than some booty! love
booty is nice... frown i need booty
im fellin kinda wierd today!! i think im in "duh duh duh" "love" so heres a song for all the emo kids!!!

"Dressed To Kill"

I know it's hard for you
To understand what I'm going through
But now I sit here to remind myself
You're always dressed to kill
And you feel like you owe it to the world
But you owe it to...
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ever notice that emo is o,me backwards....?
i guess i should write somethingin here once in a while besides lyrics huh?
same old bullshit... how are all my peeps in the world!!! i got peirced.. my first peircing, in my lip, ill have pics up soon... well gotta jet have fun....oh wait.. its atreyu as in the hXc band
its off to the right... thnx i know my afi and atreyu lyrics rock!!!!!!!!!!!, u shouldnt smoke it'll kill u one day... sXe... just messin
you can be a trapaziod! (it's a terribly spooky shape) kiss
life will kill you too wink

i fuckin wish i could spell.

[Edited on Apr 06, 2004 10:43PM]
Lip Gloss And Black

If I gave you pretty enough words.
could you pain a picture of us that works.
an emphasis on function rather than design.
aren't you tired cause I will carry you, on a broken back
and blown out knees, I have been where you are for a while..
Aren't you tired of being weak?
Such rage that you could scream. the...
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kiss kiss kiss
i never quite know what to write in your journal.
is atreyu as in neverending story? did you know atreyu was played by a girl? damn, i loved him/her. kickass movie.
The Last Kiss

Hung in your room, swaying, hoping only that you'll see.
All by myself, I'm alone in such poor company.
The deeper I think, the deeper I seem to sink, I can't stop the insects that are feeding,
pull the needles from beneath my skin. I broke myself, shattered, tied a bow around every peice.
You'll love the eyes. Have they always shown...
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what are you thinking?
open up and trust me.
sorry, but i gotta do what you tell me not to.
Sacrifice Theory

Hear one thousand screams.
Hear one thousand voices.
A solitary echo.
Feel one thousand pains, but one is receiving a bloody invitation.
Do you want to feel the warmth?
To taste the life flow?
Feel one thousand lost sinking into soft skin.
Ingest rejuvenation.
One to consume, one to renew.
Demanded invitation.
I offer grace, I offer blood.
I offer everything till my...
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your life , though torn with sorrow makes for such beautiful words. what emotions what catharsis. kiss