hey every body VIVA LAS VEGAS is commin up and i was just lettin everybody know that if ur into rockabilly, or psychobilly vages is the place to be every april 8-11... hope to see u guys here...

until then stay sick stay psycho......
yai!!!! i have a pic up, go go go go me
well, i have pics on here but their at the bottom of the screen for some odd reason, very wierd... but hey their up
Thanks for the nice comment.

I am a member of DF but I don't post very often on the boards. My SN is NowItConsumesMe. smile
hey, whats up??? well the new horror pops vid is still cool after a few days of watching it... i just got into a band called atreyu, theyre cool, its like melodic emo!!!! but im stickin with afi as the best band in the world!!!!
are you planning on putting a photo of yourself here soon?!
? hmm?? blush
hehe...Have you seen the HP's play live yet? They are very good smile
You goin gto the Macabre festival in San Bernedino in June?
You should- it's going ot be a HUGE festival smile ARRR!!! ARRR!!! skull

[Edited on Mar 03, 2004 10:53PM]
oh- there's the photo! heheee
hey marykelly, ya ill be ur friend as long as u dont erase me agin,lol, nuthin really new has been goin down up here in vegas i was just thinkin about all th great girls here and i decided to cum to my journal and write!!!!! well ill be back later
oh ya my aim thingy is drtydvl702, if u guys ever fell like messaging me, most of the time they go to my phone and i dont get them till later...... but cmon please!!!!!! 8========D
i rule!!!!!
oh my fricken jesus loving orgasm!!!!!!!!
i was just checkin out epitaph.com, amd the horrorpops have a new video, patricia day is soooooo freakin hot with her stand up bass!!!!!!!! i think im gonna watch it an d jerk off a few times!!!!!!!
i was trying to go to your journal, but instead i accidently erased you as a freind- what an ass! any way-will you be my friend puke wink
Hell i know i've janed off to that one a few times love
agghh! no one has called me yet,.. im think i should move to either california, or somewhere in the midwest to east coast where rockabilly is bigger, vegas sux!!!!!!!! worst than a sun tan on the U KNOW WHAT!!!!!!!! but hey whatever, if u have any suggestions let me know. please? cmon, please? ok ok, back to lookin at the chicks..

p.s. ill have pics...
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ello ello! cant call ya, coz i dont know your number. cant tell ya about the rockabilly scene in melbourne, coz i dont know about it, but i can say hi! i know alot about nothing, and nothing aout something! say hi one day....
ummm, its feb.17 i was supposed to have my first official practice with a new band but nobody called.:-( oh well...
Sorry man. frown