Well, kiddies, sorry I've been away fer so long. I will try ta post the sad-assed pics before too long. Anywho, shit just ain't workin out for me in ought-4. not ta play my little fiddle or anythin, but I ain't too happy with the way shit's been goin. i just got my Caddy out of impound today, had a shitload of assholes ta work with, doin absolutly nothin but still havin ta spend a shitload of money....grrr. However, there is a bright spot...March 1st, I am a free man! i just started checking out of my unit today. I have seperations classes all next month, where they teach ya ta call everyone by their first names and stuff...ya know, the important things.
Anyway, so I'll give the details later, meanwhile, I gotta get ready fer the burlesque show in Wilmy-wood tomorrow. Until next time, remember: The law in Canada staes that it's not rape, if it's dead...
Anyway, so I'll give the details later, meanwhile, I gotta get ready fer the burlesque show in Wilmy-wood tomorrow. Until next time, remember: The law in Canada staes that it's not rape, if it's dead...

whanted to stop by and see hoe things are going for ya