Figgered out how ta get this f*@#n' pic thingy ta work. *sigh* Why God, did ya make me so stupid?
Well, looks like Christmas is gonna be spent stuck here at lovely Camp Lejeune, NC. Y'know, there's a reason this place ain't on any of yer travel broshures. 8 1/2 years of this shit and 2 shootin' wars, and I get the proverbial "jelly of the month club" Christmas bonus. But what can ya do, I was the one dumb enough ta sign my life away to a bunch of damn politicians in the first place.
In other news, I got me a date tonight with some brown liquor. So you kids have fun out there in Cyber Land.
Fancy city folk...with yer shoes.......
Well, looks like Christmas is gonna be spent stuck here at lovely Camp Lejeune, NC. Y'know, there's a reason this place ain't on any of yer travel broshures. 8 1/2 years of this shit and 2 shootin' wars, and I get the proverbial "jelly of the month club" Christmas bonus. But what can ya do, I was the one dumb enough ta sign my life away to a bunch of damn politicians in the first place.
In other news, I got me a date tonight with some brown liquor. So you kids have fun out there in Cyber Land.
Fancy city folk...with yer shoes.......
