I'm gonna sock you in the face!
Got back from my parents red and black masquerade 30th wedding anniversary...So tired! The last people to go to bed were my mum and dad and me and the bf, 7am... I had a difficult time choosing an outfit as 80% of my wardrobe is black and red, and my mask was a pirate mask! I'm buying them return flights to Paris as their present, got to spend some time with snowdred- decided we are going to Prague for the sg thing! The dj made all the couples get up and dance to the lambada- i laughed all the way through the song and thought I was gonna vom..fo' sho!
I got told at work last week that i've been accepted for voluntary severance- I cried tears of joy!! 15th May I'm leaving hell!
My friends hen night was on friday night, went to the tiki bar- got drunk on zombies and headhunters and ended up taking a tiki mug. hehe!
So theres this 100 truths thing going on all over sg, so here's mine!
100 Truths!
1. Last beverage- Extra strength margharita
2. Last phone call- Snowdred!
3. Last text message- Sar bear
4. Last song you listened to- Haddaway what is love
5. Last time you cried- Thursday 11am
6. Dated someone twice- Yes, silly me.
7. Been cheated on- No
8. Kissed someone & regretted it- No
9. Lost someone special- yes
10. Been depressed- no
11. Been drunk- yes
12. Candy Apple Red
13. Denim Blue
14. Jade Green
15. Made new friends- Yep
16. Fallen out of love- No
17. Laughed until you cried- Yes, benchwarmers everytime!
18. Met someone who changed you- no
19. Found out who your true friends were- no
20. Found out someone was talking about you- no
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list- yes
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life- between 5 and 10
23. How many kids do you want to have- none
24. Do you have any pets- no, only petnames for genitalia
25. Do you want to change your name- I want by bf to change his surname to zodiac
26. What did you do for your last birthday- Mexican food, cocktails and rock club
27. What time did you wake up today- 11am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night- dancing to some mid 90's dance classica with close friends and eating honey and orange roasted gammon and black olives
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for- VEGAS!!!!!!!
30. Last time you saw your father- 3 Hrs ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life- more organised
32. What are you listening to right now- the new nashville pussy cd
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom- yes
34. What's getting on your nerves right now- eczema
38. Zodiac sign- aries the ram
39. Male or female- female
40. Elementary- Hursthead
41. Middle School- hursthead
42. High school- Woods Lane
43. Hair color- Darkest brown
44. Long or short- Long
45. Height- 5'6.5
46. Do you have a crush on someone- no
47. What do you like about yourself- that i can see my mum and dad when i look at my facial features
48. Piercings- 3
49. Tattoos- 10
50. Righty or lefty- righty
51. First surgery- 2yrs to remove fragments of plastic from my skull
52. First piercing- 9
53. First tattoo- 17
54. First best friend- Sarah
55. First sport you joined- Football
56. First pet- Liam the angora rabbit
57. First vacation remembered- Caravan holiday in Rhyll
58. First concert- No doubt and The Vandals 1998
59. First crush- Luke Perry, ohhhhh my!!!!
60. First alcohol drink- champagne
61. Eating- spinach and feta tart
62. Drinking- sparkling water
63. I'm about to- go to the toilet
64. Listening to nashville pussy
65. Waiting for- supernatural!
66. Want kids- no
67. Want to get married- hmmmm?
68. Careers in mind- latex dressmaker/tattooist
69. Lips or eyes- eyes
70. Hugs or kisses- kisses
71. Shorter or taller- taller by more than 5 inches
72. Older or Younger- older
73. Romantic or spontaneous- spontaneous, romance is dead!
74. Nice stomach or nice arms- arms
75. Tattoos or piercings- tats!
76. Sensitive or loud- loud
77. Hook-up or relationship- relationship
78. Trouble maker or hesitant- trouble maker
79. Kissed a stranger- yes
80. Drank hard liquor- yes
81. Lost glasses/contacts-not with my 20/20 vision!
82. Sex on first date- yes
83. Broken someone's heart- yes
84. Had your own heart broken- yes
85. Been arrested- no
86. Turned someone down- yes
87. Cried when someone died - yes
88. Liked a friend that was the same sex- yes
89. Yourself yes
90. Miracles no, tom cruise save me with your witchcraft!
91. Love at first sight- i believe in pheramones
92. Heaven- no, I believe in the carbon cycle.
93. Santa Claus- no- i believe in Krampus.
94. Kissing on the first date- yes
95. Angels- no, and i despise them even more when westlife covered that song.
96. Is there one person you want to be with right now- i'm with them
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time- no
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever- yes
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without- Dreams
100. hoping other people do this- yes
Hope you're doing good out there! x
Here's some pics!
me last week
me 4 years ago!- pre bettie ink.
..on yer bike!
Got back from my parents red and black masquerade 30th wedding anniversary...So tired! The last people to go to bed were my mum and dad and me and the bf, 7am... I had a difficult time choosing an outfit as 80% of my wardrobe is black and red, and my mask was a pirate mask! I'm buying them return flights to Paris as their present, got to spend some time with snowdred- decided we are going to Prague for the sg thing! The dj made all the couples get up and dance to the lambada- i laughed all the way through the song and thought I was gonna vom..fo' sho!
I got told at work last week that i've been accepted for voluntary severance- I cried tears of joy!! 15th May I'm leaving hell!

My friends hen night was on friday night, went to the tiki bar- got drunk on zombies and headhunters and ended up taking a tiki mug. hehe!
So theres this 100 truths thing going on all over sg, so here's mine!
100 Truths!
1. Last beverage- Extra strength margharita
2. Last phone call- Snowdred!
3. Last text message- Sar bear
4. Last song you listened to- Haddaway what is love
5. Last time you cried- Thursday 11am
6. Dated someone twice- Yes, silly me.
7. Been cheated on- No
8. Kissed someone & regretted it- No
9. Lost someone special- yes
10. Been depressed- no
11. Been drunk- yes
12. Candy Apple Red
13. Denim Blue
14. Jade Green
15. Made new friends- Yep
16. Fallen out of love- No
17. Laughed until you cried- Yes, benchwarmers everytime!
18. Met someone who changed you- no
19. Found out who your true friends were- no
20. Found out someone was talking about you- no
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list- yes
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life- between 5 and 10
23. How many kids do you want to have- none
24. Do you have any pets- no, only petnames for genitalia
25. Do you want to change your name- I want by bf to change his surname to zodiac
26. What did you do for your last birthday- Mexican food, cocktails and rock club
27. What time did you wake up today- 11am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night- dancing to some mid 90's dance classica with close friends and eating honey and orange roasted gammon and black olives
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for- VEGAS!!!!!!!
30. Last time you saw your father- 3 Hrs ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life- more organised
32. What are you listening to right now- the new nashville pussy cd
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom- yes
34. What's getting on your nerves right now- eczema
38. Zodiac sign- aries the ram
39. Male or female- female
40. Elementary- Hursthead
41. Middle School- hursthead
42. High school- Woods Lane
43. Hair color- Darkest brown
44. Long or short- Long
45. Height- 5'6.5
46. Do you have a crush on someone- no
47. What do you like about yourself- that i can see my mum and dad when i look at my facial features
48. Piercings- 3
49. Tattoos- 10
50. Righty or lefty- righty
51. First surgery- 2yrs to remove fragments of plastic from my skull
52. First piercing- 9
53. First tattoo- 17
54. First best friend- Sarah
55. First sport you joined- Football
56. First pet- Liam the angora rabbit
57. First vacation remembered- Caravan holiday in Rhyll
58. First concert- No doubt and The Vandals 1998
59. First crush- Luke Perry, ohhhhh my!!!!
60. First alcohol drink- champagne
61. Eating- spinach and feta tart
62. Drinking- sparkling water
63. I'm about to- go to the toilet
64. Listening to nashville pussy
65. Waiting for- supernatural!
66. Want kids- no
67. Want to get married- hmmmm?
68. Careers in mind- latex dressmaker/tattooist
69. Lips or eyes- eyes
70. Hugs or kisses- kisses
71. Shorter or taller- taller by more than 5 inches
72. Older or Younger- older
73. Romantic or spontaneous- spontaneous, romance is dead!
74. Nice stomach or nice arms- arms
75. Tattoos or piercings- tats!
76. Sensitive or loud- loud
77. Hook-up or relationship- relationship
78. Trouble maker or hesitant- trouble maker
79. Kissed a stranger- yes
80. Drank hard liquor- yes
81. Lost glasses/contacts-not with my 20/20 vision!
82. Sex on first date- yes
83. Broken someone's heart- yes
84. Had your own heart broken- yes
85. Been arrested- no
86. Turned someone down- yes
87. Cried when someone died - yes
88. Liked a friend that was the same sex- yes
89. Yourself yes
90. Miracles no, tom cruise save me with your witchcraft!
91. Love at first sight- i believe in pheramones
92. Heaven- no, I believe in the carbon cycle.
93. Santa Claus- no- i believe in Krampus.
94. Kissing on the first date- yes
95. Angels- no, and i despise them even more when westlife covered that song.
96. Is there one person you want to be with right now- i'm with them
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time- no
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever- yes
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without- Dreams
100. hoping other people do this- yes
Hope you're doing good out there! x
Here's some pics!

I miss the Bez.
7 years is a long time... How old am I now? 25 I think - Ancient!
Congrats on your parents being together even longer than I've been alive though!
'N well done on the severance, I guess. Credit crunch, schmedit schmunch.
Sexy bikey piccy <3