So this whole FAQ thang... I've decided to give it a go!
So PsychoBettie13.. Why PsychoBettie13?
Well, I have bettie tattooed on the top of my back..but just being called bettie would make me sound like an o.a.p..or like frank spencers woman "ooooh Bettie" so I wanted to add another word- Psycho came into my head as that's the Sonics song i was listening too when i for the 13 it's my favourite number- and was probably the best year of my life so far- that's when i started dressing alternative and listening to decent bands and became the type of person i am today!
And your real name?
Are you like a hopezilla or something
I am a very hopeful person but i wouldn't say hopezilla as I am too laid back to care THAT much about status, I don't think it's a case of them and us- we're all the same. Naked beautiful geeks!
What made you come to SG
I was told b a woman at a concert that I looked like a girl on SG and intrigues as to who looks like me I had a look on the site and was uber stoked to find lovely people that liked the stuff I like and were proud to be different to "glamour" models. It was so refreshing! and my friend Snowdred is one!
What are you into?
Tikis, 50's, Pin-up bombshells, painting, rock music (not emo/screamo),nice underwear, houmus, chocolate,lush bath bombs, making clothes, Turbonegro/Turbojugend, cocktails.
I love comedies my favourite film is Benchwarmers i laughed so much i did wee my pants! I also like horror films, sci-fi and cartoons...and porn
What is your job?
I am a civil servant, I work in the office half the week and Inspect things the other half. I won't give you the name of the company but I can tell you that I don't get paid enough- people who do my job in the public sector get paid 8000 more than me. But I do have a great pension scheme!
So does this mean you are an a regular office worker?
Well- I don't weat suits, most days its jeans and a tshirt, but every now and then corset skirt and stockings. I flout the flexible working hours and can have as many tattoos as I want and change hair colour when I want. I do take pride in my job like most people!
So what is your hobby then?
I like making things, clothes, bags, mexican food- I also like painting!
So are you a rich kid who is a spoilt brat?
I don't think i'm either of those things- My parents are both working class done well -you may call that middle class, they brought me up lovingly in the suburbs, I'm very well adjusted. I learnt the value of money, I had to do odd jobs to get pocket money. I was spoilt with love.
So what is the deal with your tattoos? What do they mean?
In chronological order..
My stylized hula flower/lilly on my stomach I got when I was 17- I got it at a time when I became happy in my own body.
My ankle band checkerboard and flames- I got when I was 18, I was super into ska music, On my college folder I had a vans sticker with checkerboard and flames and decided I wanted something to remind me of this time so I got this done whilst on holiday in San Diego with 2 college friends.
My 1950's cadillac logo was done when I was 18 I became obsessed with 50's cars.
My herby does tribal thigh piece I got done when I was 19- I had gotten really into american cars when I had been away and had started to get more into the rockabilly scene it's 1984 the year I was born and 2 crossed flags as at this time it felt like my life was racing ahead
My leopard print stars I got done when I was 19- I wanted to get stars done but wanted something different they symbolise the wild side to my personality
My Lettering on the top of my back I got done when I was 20- I had found a woman who was everything I was or wanted to be Bettie Page, I immediately became quite obsessed!
My pink leopard print cherries on my stomach I got done when I was 21- I wanted to get cherries, but different. They symbolise me as being Ripe(mature) yet fluffy(soft)
My Bettie Page tattoo was done when I was 22- It was something that empowered me to be who I wanted to be.
My dancing skeletons I got done when I was 23- I had been into mexican culture for a while and wanted something to symbolise my 2 dead grandads and my dead grandma- but in a happy way, fiesta de los muertos celebrates the life of dead people.
My anchors I got done this year- I had found my other family, my denim family -the turbojugend.
Have you got anything to ask me?

So PsychoBettie13.. Why PsychoBettie13?
Well, I have bettie tattooed on the top of my back..but just being called bettie would make me sound like an o.a.p..or like frank spencers woman "ooooh Bettie" so I wanted to add another word- Psycho came into my head as that's the Sonics song i was listening too when i for the 13 it's my favourite number- and was probably the best year of my life so far- that's when i started dressing alternative and listening to decent bands and became the type of person i am today!
And your real name?
Are you like a hopezilla or something
I am a very hopeful person but i wouldn't say hopezilla as I am too laid back to care THAT much about status, I don't think it's a case of them and us- we're all the same. Naked beautiful geeks!
What made you come to SG
I was told b a woman at a concert that I looked like a girl on SG and intrigues as to who looks like me I had a look on the site and was uber stoked to find lovely people that liked the stuff I like and were proud to be different to "glamour" models. It was so refreshing! and my friend Snowdred is one!
What are you into?
Tikis, 50's, Pin-up bombshells, painting, rock music (not emo/screamo),nice underwear, houmus, chocolate,lush bath bombs, making clothes, Turbonegro/Turbojugend, cocktails.
I love comedies my favourite film is Benchwarmers i laughed so much i did wee my pants! I also like horror films, sci-fi and cartoons...and porn
What is your job?
I am a civil servant, I work in the office half the week and Inspect things the other half. I won't give you the name of the company but I can tell you that I don't get paid enough- people who do my job in the public sector get paid 8000 more than me. But I do have a great pension scheme!
So does this mean you are an a regular office worker?
Well- I don't weat suits, most days its jeans and a tshirt, but every now and then corset skirt and stockings. I flout the flexible working hours and can have as many tattoos as I want and change hair colour when I want. I do take pride in my job like most people!
So what is your hobby then?
I like making things, clothes, bags, mexican food- I also like painting!
So are you a rich kid who is a spoilt brat?
I don't think i'm either of those things- My parents are both working class done well -you may call that middle class, they brought me up lovingly in the suburbs, I'm very well adjusted. I learnt the value of money, I had to do odd jobs to get pocket money. I was spoilt with love.
So what is the deal with your tattoos? What do they mean?
In chronological order..
My stylized hula flower/lilly on my stomach I got when I was 17- I got it at a time when I became happy in my own body.
My ankle band checkerboard and flames- I got when I was 18, I was super into ska music, On my college folder I had a vans sticker with checkerboard and flames and decided I wanted something to remind me of this time so I got this done whilst on holiday in San Diego with 2 college friends.
My 1950's cadillac logo was done when I was 18 I became obsessed with 50's cars.
My herby does tribal thigh piece I got done when I was 19- I had gotten really into american cars when I had been away and had started to get more into the rockabilly scene it's 1984 the year I was born and 2 crossed flags as at this time it felt like my life was racing ahead
My leopard print stars I got done when I was 19- I wanted to get stars done but wanted something different they symbolise the wild side to my personality
My Lettering on the top of my back I got done when I was 20- I had found a woman who was everything I was or wanted to be Bettie Page, I immediately became quite obsessed!
My pink leopard print cherries on my stomach I got done when I was 21- I wanted to get cherries, but different. They symbolise me as being Ripe(mature) yet fluffy(soft)
My Bettie Page tattoo was done when I was 22- It was something that empowered me to be who I wanted to be.
My dancing skeletons I got done when I was 23- I had been into mexican culture for a while and wanted something to symbolise my 2 dead grandads and my dead grandma- but in a happy way, fiesta de los muertos celebrates the life of dead people.
My anchors I got done this year- I had found my other family, my denim family -the turbojugend.
Have you got anything to ask me?

thank you baby for the tip!!!
your one hot chick!