I hate being sick, but I love calling in to work saying I'm not going in, it gets easier each time you do it, I swear though, I slept for more than 10 hours and I'm still feeling like shit, I'm going to try to dose myself with nyquil so I can get more sleep, and hopefully get better, but first, I need to chug water, I feel dyhydrated like if I'd been drinking, and I didn't drink damnit, anyway, time to cut this off, dont' want to start babbling, 'cause once I really start, it takes days to stop
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 10, 2007
so I just had one of the shittier birthday's that I have ever had, es… -
Wednesday Mar 29, 2006
Six retired Irishmen were playing poker in O'Leary's apart- ment whe… -
Wednesday Mar 08, 2006
I haven't written anything new in a while on here 'cause i've been fo… -
Saturday Dec 17, 2005
christmas is coming... yay... sort of, I have only enough money to bu… -
Saturday Nov 26, 2005
thanksgiving came and went, and I couldn't have been more exhausted, … -
Wednesday Nov 23, 2005
thanksgiving is coming up... gotta put up with my family...but I'll g… -
Wednesday Nov 09, 2005
blah, my best friend from work got fired monday, and, work is really … -
Monday Aug 15, 2005
life sure gets hectic around this time of year when you know someone … -
Monday Jul 18, 2005
I've been feeling pretty good lately, I mean my aunt has been getting… -
Friday Jun 17, 2005
::sigh:: ever hit a point where if you stop moving you just shut down…