thanksgiving came and went, and I couldn't have been more exhausted, I work graveyard and usually do my sleeping while people are at work, which works great because there usually is no noise, however I was only able to get an hour of sleep before people started making noise, so after that I was only able to get about another hour, broken up, of sleep before I finally said 'fuck it' and showered and joined everyone, but I was like a zombie, didn't say a word, barely understanding what was going on, and staring out into nothingness. I feel better now that I've had a chance to sleep, but ugh, just ugh... other than that everything was ok, somethings a little better than ok, but, ok will suffice
More Blogs
Thursday Jun 16, 2005
ok, so, headaches suck when you're at work and these voices are put d… -
Saturday May 14, 2005
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Friday May 06, 2005
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Tuesday Apr 26, 2005
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Wednesday Apr 20, 2005
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Saturday Apr 09, 2005
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Thursday Apr 07, 2005
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Sunday Feb 27, 2005
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Sunday Feb 27, 2005
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Tuesday Feb 22, 2005
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