so I just had one of the shittier birthday's that I have ever had, especially after last year's highs, but, don't get me wrong, I am actually content with my life for the moment, although I do want more, I am enjoying my current job, I have a wonderful girlfriend, and I finally have most of my bills in order again. I just need a...
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Six retired Irishmen were playing poker in O'Leary's apart-
ment when Paddy Murphy loses 500 Euro on a single
hand, clutches his chest and drops dead at the table. Show-
ing respect for their fallen brother, the other five continue
playing standing up.
Michael O'Conner looks around and asks, "Ok, me lads,"
someone has to tell Paddy's wife. Who will it be?"
They draw straws....
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ment when Paddy Murphy loses 500 Euro on a single
hand, clutches his chest and drops dead at the table. Show-
ing respect for their fallen brother, the other five continue
playing standing up.
Michael O'Conner looks around and asks, "Ok, me lads,"
someone has to tell Paddy's wife. Who will it be?"
They draw straws....
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if you drool over my pictures they will get all wet and ruined so i wont let you
thanks for the comment!

thanks for the comment!
I haven't written anything new in a while on here 'cause i've been focusing my thoughts on places other than the computer, I should try to get on here more often than I do, but eh, whatcha gonna do? I have written a couple of times on my myspace thing, which could be found at ...
so go there if you wanna know anything
so go there if you wanna know anything

HI friend...
h ah a I'm leaving you my myspace url for you to hit me up.
ok we'll exchange addresses,
i'm leaving the suicide girls circuit cause I'm too poor. So if you wanna still be my pal hit me up in my space..
laters, monaj
h ah a I'm leaving you my myspace url for you to hit me up.
ok we'll exchange addresses,
i'm leaving the suicide girls circuit cause I'm too poor. So if you wanna still be my pal hit me up in my space..
laters, monaj
christmas is coming... yay... sort of, I have only enough money to buy my mom, my sis, and my nephew presents, well, unless I pawn something... damnit, I hate pawning stuff, I've only done it once before... oh well, shit happens... thanks for hearing my rant...
Ummm, Christmas?? Sheesh, where ya been? And:
for the lovely comment!
[Edited on Mar 08, 2006 3:32PM]

for the lovely comment!

[Edited on Mar 08, 2006 3:32PM]
thanksgiving came and went, and I couldn't have been more exhausted, I work graveyard and usually do my sleeping while people are at work, which works great because there usually is no noise, however I was only able to get an hour of sleep before people started making noise, so after that I was only able to get about another hour, broken up, of sleep...
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thanksgiving is coming up... gotta put up with my family...but I'll get turkey... all things considered, I must give a weak yay, cause everything evens out, or it's just slightly on the good side, I'll tell you after thanksgiving...
blah, my best friend from work got fired monday, and, work is really starting to suck now that he's not around, oh well, I guess it's time to move on to something else... I'm thinking maybe trucking, but I'm open to suggestions, also, I need to add more to my story, at least typed up, 'cause I have about 10 handwritten pages in my notebook...
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life sure gets hectic around this time of year when you know someone who's either working at or going to a school. I've been taking my aunt to work every weekday morning for the past week, I don't mind, well, I wouldn't if gas was cheaper, but, other than using up more gas, it's not a big deal. Anyway, I feel like such a whore,...
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I've been feeling pretty good lately, I mean my aunt has been getting better almost every day, and she's regained enough strength that one of her dr's actually has cleared her for 'light' work, which means she can't do any heavy lifting and all, but, she can still do what she was doing before, which was working at a school, as long as she takes...
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Hey Homie! I just wanted to say hello and see how ya doin! SO have any luck with that girl? Talk to you later!!!!
Be a good Boi!!!! Or Else!! hee hee!

Be a good Boi!!!! Or Else!! hee hee!

::sigh:: ever hit a point where if you stop moving you just shut down? well, not so much shut down as break down? I think I'm nearing that point, it happened to me once, when I was 20, I had an emotional breakdown, I felt overwhelmed, and there wasn't anywhere near as much going on as there is now, well, at least, all that other...
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feel better...
take care...thanx for the compliments...have fun today

take care...thanx for the compliments...have fun today