So 3 weeks. 3 weeks and this year is over and done with. Work sucks the big salami, right down to the base. I am being forced to go to a staff dinner for my fellow supervisors. My boss tried to force me to go to the staff Christmas party, but I plainly suggested me + alcohol + plus some of the fucktards I work with = beaten and bruised fucktards. So no, I spend enough time working, I don't feel I should have to suck it up with my free time. I will spend that with those whose company I enjoy.
As for the holiday, meh I could give two shits. Can't wait for the days off I get. Gonna play MW3 till I vomit. Been on a cupcake splurge lately. Brought a bunch into work, that I had added chocolate chunks to. I didn't clue in that the chunks, look like laxatives at the bottom of the cupcake. Had more than a couple of coworkers sweating till I came into work.
I laughed my ass off at the thought of them shitting their pants. I must remember that one, just in case I decide to be cruel. So off to the grind I go, so smile and nod.
Keep it real, to all of you that are out there. Be safe, be warm, and above all don't take no shit...
As for the holiday, meh I could give two shits. Can't wait for the days off I get. Gonna play MW3 till I vomit. Been on a cupcake splurge lately. Brought a bunch into work, that I had added chocolate chunks to. I didn't clue in that the chunks, look like laxatives at the bottom of the cupcake. Had more than a couple of coworkers sweating till I came into work.
I laughed my ass off at the thought of them shitting their pants. I must remember that one, just in case I decide to be cruel. So off to the grind I go, so smile and nod.
Keep it real, to all of you that are out there. Be safe, be warm, and above all don't take no shit...