What is the reason for this sci fi trip down memory lane? I was reading kemper's latest blog, which are always for the most part intelligent and very humorous. She is also it quite the Star Wars aficionado, and it got me to thinking of my long time friend, and former roommate. This guy was a fanatic. If you played Star Wars trivial pursuit against him, he would give you 3 turns to his 1, and still beat your ass. The guy knew stuff that nobody has a business knowing. If you asked him if Han Solo dressed to the right or the left, he would know and have some reference to back it up.
Anyway, one day at the party house, a bunch of us were sufficiently hammered and he directs us to his poster of " All I need to know in life, I learned from Star Wars," and proceeds to discuss how it really pertains to women. Keep in mind he is very drunk at this point, so leave it to him to talk philosophy and actually be able to make an intelligent argument. The poster has a bunch of statements, which he interpreted for us less Jedi savvy folk.
"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try"- The female orgasm. Let's face it fellas, there is no half way with this one.
"Anger, fear, and aggression lead to the dark side."- 3 letters, P M S.
"In seeking your destiny, patience is your ally".- ANY man who has gone shopping with his girl, can relate to this one.
"Always let the Wookie win"- Now ladies I know the science of hair removal is bordering space age, but the metaphor holds true. It's not a matter if you are right guys, it's just not worth her ripping your arms off.
"When judging people, size matters not"- We'd like to think so, it's what they tell us anyway.
"Don't underestimate the Force"- Every guy has been given the "look", it's the closest thing we have to the Jedi choke stare.
"You must follow your own path, no one can chose it for you"- Every woman likes a man who can make a decision.
"Keep your promises, even if it takes you far, far, away"- Every woman likes a man who can keep his word.
"If it smells bad on the outside, it's worse on the inside."- Self explanatory, I'm sure you all can figure it out.
"Faith in your friends is a strength, not a weakness."- I know she tells you she won't say anything, but girls always tell their friends.
After that we all started doing Dr.Pepper shots and it gets real blurry...
I like blogs with profound opinion, people often underestimate the value of someones thoughts. Doesn't matter, sad, happy, mad, passionate, just a pure honest thought. We get drawn to the physicality, caught up in it. When we get a present, we are drawn to the shiny wrapping, but it's what's inside that we actually cherish.
It's been my experience it's easier to get a girl to open her legs, than it is to get her to open her mind. Most guys never get past the their obsession with the wrapping, and a lot don't want to. Most girls don't get past the "gift wrapping" themselves stage. Attention, acceptance, loneliness, who knows.
Nobody likes to get to know a facade, only to have it fade when you can't maintain it, and don't delude yourself eventually the curtain always gets pulled back.
Be honest, be yourself, and be proud of it.
Until next time SG land, and may the force be with you.