Sun+RedHead-sun block= ouch my fucking skin hurts. I should know better but alas it was nice, I was out for a walk and decided WTF. Got on one of the commercial trails that goes along the lake and before I knew it 10km later, I had a slight headache and was a little dizzy. Ah sun stroke my old friend. I also didn't realize that I had passed 4 wineries on my trek, which is a very interesting fact. I think I should plan a summer hybrid version of a pub crawl. Still the scenery was gorgeous and since it's during the week, the trails were relatively deserted. The sun should be setting in another 15min, so I will venture forth once more and seek out fresh strawberries, because they are yummy and I want them. Seriously, Im on some sadistic strawberry kick, I've eaten 4 pounds in 3 days.
Here's some pictures of the lake from the trail.
Here's some pictures of the lake from the trail.
That's all for now, I'm off to procure some strawberries,
Happy Topless Tuesday everyone thanks to the beautiful Ceri,Siempre, and Audrisa
Till next time.
yeah i'm sure if i asked them to use their handcuffs on me they might oblige me. I was so tempted lol