I feel as if I am locked in a cage....I call it my room. Then if that wasn't enough I am locked yet within another cage. I call it my mind or within my subconscious. Whenever I talk to someone or angry I think about what I should do or say, but normally I just do whatever seems to be the better for the other person...I am always thinking more of how others react to what I do than reacting at all...Its a bad habit of mine. I say its bad cause I get ran over a lot by people. But slowly I am starting to say and do things based on how I feel. Not on what affect it may have on the other person. Kindness is a curse that only a few have but not everyone should always be so kind.
yeah if anyone reads this....I don't sleep much and only when I don't sleep I think....all the time. So I get the stupid idea to post blogs...only time I can say what I really want to say and express myself..sad isn't it.>.>
thank you for the nice comment