I like to think of women as beautiful walking art..they have soft lined curves and beautiful physical and very beautiful personalities. Nothing better than meeting a beautiful nerd. Now when I say this I don't mean a specific sized female, honestly any girl can be pretty fuckin sexy when they are doing it right, Thick or thin. Doesn't make a difference in your beauty.
How much does one need to suck at life not to be able to ask someone to be their friend..How dumb does that sound. I can't make friends I can talk to anyone but to ask them if they want to hang out or whatever is so hard for me..I can't even fully explain why I just get hit with anxiety so I think about...
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When I was 13 I was as shy as you and I faced  bullying at school. My mom noticed and i started fresh in a different place, so i decided not to be as shy as I used to be, so i designed a plan: I start to talk to people on the streets for random stuff, asking for the time, for adresses, then just saying hi to someone who was waiting next to me. Was hard at the begining but i realized the worst thing that could happen is that someone stares at you with an strange expression or say no. I know you can do your best too, best vibes! :}
To make myself feel better. Any one play Minecraft...best game since Legos! I love legos, best childhood ever involved legos. Minecraft is like legos cause you can create all kinds of shit in the game its pretty damn entertaining, The best part is an always evolving game and when they update the game they take actually player community suggestions and add some into the game....
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pictures of me..redundant
I don't blog, but I feel like I have to say some stuff. I don't socialize well I don't converse well with others (at least I don't feel like I do). My fiance that I love dearly, we have had a long discussion on our sex life and have decided that will be good to have a more open relationship sexually. Which is fine and...
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btw I drew that...if no one can tell ^^.
I feel as if I am locked in a cage....I call it my room. Then if that wasn't enough I am locked yet within another cage. I call it my mind or within my subconscious. Whenever I talk to someone or angry I think about what I should do or say, but normally I just do whatever seems to be the better for the other...
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yeah if anyone reads this....I don't sleep much and only when I don't sleep I think....all the time. So I get the stupid idea to post blogs...only time I can say what I really want to say and express myself..sad isn't it.>.>
thank you for the nice comment![smile](https://dz3ixmv6nok8z.cloudfront.net/static/img/emoticons/smile.0d0a8d99a741.gif)
I have been accomplishing a lot after I turned 21, like I have almost completely fixed up my truck so it runs like new, but doesn't look like new....yet. After I graduated from High school everything just seemed to have fallen apart for me cause of living situation and income complications. For several reasons I haven't started college yet had the time to get miy...
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This site has way too many beauties....and every girl also has a kick ass personality to boot....man
I tell everyone now that reads this...I am not much of a blogger if something actually manages to happen in my life that is worth telling I will put it in a blog just so someone has something interesting to read as they wonder through this site...Even though...
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I tell everyone now that reads this...I am not much of a blogger if something actually manages to happen in my life that is worth telling I will put it in a blog just so someone has something interesting to read as they wonder through this site...Even though...
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