So. Tired.
Went to the big O last night for a PaCO meeting. It was great. For a group of pagans, we didn't do too much pagan related stuff. We usually don't. I like it that way. I ate candy and caught up with my PaCO friends. They are fun. A lot of them have fun polyamorous drama unfolding all the time. It's kind of amusing from my bitchy, remote perspective.
I helped one of my friends figure out how to tape her boobs for next years drag show. I have extensive duct-tape-as-clothing experience, which I am always happy to share. That's 'cause I rule, of course. She kissed me. YAY!
I am becoming such a kiss slut, lately.
Then I ventured to LunaCava's place to turn in. But she wasn't there. But it was cool because her roomates are so used to me that they were like... chill about it. She called her place, looking for me, so I had to walk back to the union. Unbeknownst to me, the platonic-friend-ex-boyfriend-hookup-thing was like... right behind me the whole way. That's embarassing, 'cause I was like... shuffling the whole way. And if I'd know, I woulda stopped and talked to him. He's getting WAY coupley for what we mutually decided our relationship is, which is a non-relationship. But the guy LunaCava is "seeing" is like his best friend, so it IS convienient for hangout situations. I definately made a point of NOT sleeping in his room, and opted for Alana's couch instead.
I have gained an intolerance for whiney boys. I want to beat them against walls. In the NOT good way.
LunaCava and I got into tequila and Coke, played with dolls, alienated her male roomates, and talked about our sex lives AT LENGTH. It was a fun, girly night. Like slumber parties.
She made me get up really early to take her back to the muthaland for a job interview.
Went to the big O last night for a PaCO meeting. It was great. For a group of pagans, we didn't do too much pagan related stuff. We usually don't. I like it that way. I ate candy and caught up with my PaCO friends. They are fun. A lot of them have fun polyamorous drama unfolding all the time. It's kind of amusing from my bitchy, remote perspective.
I helped one of my friends figure out how to tape her boobs for next years drag show. I have extensive duct-tape-as-clothing experience, which I am always happy to share. That's 'cause I rule, of course. She kissed me. YAY!
I am becoming such a kiss slut, lately.
Then I ventured to LunaCava's place to turn in. But she wasn't there. But it was cool because her roomates are so used to me that they were like... chill about it. She called her place, looking for me, so I had to walk back to the union. Unbeknownst to me, the platonic-friend-ex-boyfriend-hookup-thing was like... right behind me the whole way. That's embarassing, 'cause I was like... shuffling the whole way. And if I'd know, I woulda stopped and talked to him. He's getting WAY coupley for what we mutually decided our relationship is, which is a non-relationship. But the guy LunaCava is "seeing" is like his best friend, so it IS convienient for hangout situations. I definately made a point of NOT sleeping in his room, and opted for Alana's couch instead.
I have gained an intolerance for whiney boys. I want to beat them against walls. In the NOT good way.
LunaCava and I got into tequila and Coke, played with dolls, alienated her male roomates, and talked about our sex lives AT LENGTH. It was a fun, girly night. Like slumber parties.

She made me get up really early to take her back to the muthaland for a job interview.