In my AIM profile, you'll discover the following information:
Age 19
New Media Major
Fair-weather vegeterian
Recovered hair dye addict
Shameless flirt
Tattoo of a fish
B-Movie enthusiast
Neat arm trick
Taunts minors for fake gold
First love: Jim Morrison
Arch nemesis of the day: the gym class I am not taking.
Currently reading: new issue of JANE
What's in YOUR trunk? In mine, there is:
-sleeping bag
-clothes I just got back from the ex
-books I just got back from the ex
-raquetball stuff
-gallon jug of water
-public speaking syllabus
-pair of scissors
My levels of creativity go WAY UP right after a breakup. Odd. If I could maintain a certian amount of drama in my life, I might, perhaps, develop a little... you know... talent.
In my AIM profile, you'll discover the following information:
Age 19
New Media Major
Fair-weather vegeterian
Recovered hair dye addict
Shameless flirt
Tattoo of a fish
B-Movie enthusiast
Neat arm trick
Taunts minors for fake gold
First love: Jim Morrison
Arch nemesis of the day: the gym class I am not taking.
Currently reading: new issue of JANE
What's in YOUR trunk? In mine, there is:
-sleeping bag
-clothes I just got back from the ex
-books I just got back from the ex
-raquetball stuff
-gallon jug of water
-public speaking syllabus
-pair of scissors
My levels of creativity go WAY UP right after a breakup. Odd. If I could maintain a certian amount of drama in my life, I might, perhaps, develop a little... you know... talent.
yeah pleased with incubus! are you going to any gigs soon?