Pet Peeve: when I ask someone what's up, I like a more involved and interesting answer than "nothin'." God I hate that. It's like... grow a personality! Or are people supposed to be impressed by ennui. I just don't get it.
Enrolled in fall classes: 2 new media, german 1, part 2, programming, and sociology. Apparently, I am going to have to wrangle to get UM to accept my UMM credits. *rolls up sleeves*
I will be living with cool hippie types this summer.
Think I finally changed all of my random internet profiles to reflect my somewhat newly single status. Go me.
I made a huge pot of vegetable soup today. I feel accomplished.
I wonder if any astronauts have engaged in gravity-free sex yet....

Enrolled in fall classes: 2 new media, german 1, part 2, programming, and sociology. Apparently, I am going to have to wrangle to get UM to accept my UMM credits. *rolls up sleeves*
I will be living with cool hippie types this summer.

Think I finally changed all of my random internet profiles to reflect my somewhat newly single status. Go me.
I made a huge pot of vegetable soup today. I feel accomplished.
I wonder if any astronauts have engaged in gravity-free sex yet....

That is unbelievably cool
When I move to Halifax in two months minus a few days you'll have to come visit. We can hit the town together. And I'll take care of your hairs.
I love measuring distance in time, not actual physical distance.
So... Man, I didn't have a good day consciously wise. It's like midnight now, I just got in and i'm so confused.. I have to go back to your comment and figure out what I really meant to say...