It snowed today.
Fuckin' Maine.
My friend Ethan is running the Boston in a couple of weeks to raise money for Multiple Myloma. I am helping with fundraising. Currently I am making brownies for one fundraising event. I am such a little domestic.
After this, I may be able to help someone with a local political campaign. How awesome is that?
I am listening to Blink 182 and feeling very freshman in high school.
The worst thing in the world is actually being happy (read: relieved) when Aunt Flo come to town. Thank the benovalent gods.
I need to stop making out with ex-boyfriends. It's a bad habit. 'Cause I have never had an ex I didn't make out with at one point or another. meh.
Degrassi is on tonight. Rock!

My friend Ethan is running the Boston in a couple of weeks to raise money for Multiple Myloma. I am helping with fundraising. Currently I am making brownies for one fundraising event. I am such a little domestic.
After this, I may be able to help someone with a local political campaign. How awesome is that?
I am listening to Blink 182 and feeling very freshman in high school.
The worst thing in the world is actually being happy (read: relieved) when Aunt Flo come to town. Thank the benovalent gods.
I need to stop making out with ex-boyfriends. It's a bad habit. 'Cause I have never had an ex I didn't make out with at one point or another. meh.
Degrassi is on tonight. Rock!
They have Degressi in the US now? Hahah. Suckers! I had to grow up with the original Degressi from the 80s