Today goes down in my biography as the day that I got fired by a woman who bobbles her head all the time due to icky down east office politics. I called her a cunt, to her face, which might have felt too wonderful to even describe.
lol I was just wondering. If the verbal remake came after your job loss or if it was the cause.
I've had a couple bosses like that.
What are you going to do for work now?
The End
I don't regret losing the job, honestly. I'm relieved I'm out of there. I DO regret shaking that jackass' hand at the end of it, and I wish I'd just accepted that my fate was sealed long before anybody had a clue as to what was about to happen to me. I would give anything to have me use that final five minutes to let that incompetent boob know exactly what I thought of him.
Ah well.
Now I'm full on into "good living is the best revenge" mode.