so my kitty has adjusted to being naked, all lion's mane and striped little body, and she gets so snuggly when she's shaved (mainly for heat but i'll take it).
i am some what confused by this new layout...
i am some what confused by this new layout...
hehehe.. the lion cut. i think kittys look funny with no fur. however my fat kitty is also a very furry longhair who does NOT like brushes either. so maybe one day....
i'm also confused by this layout...why do people need to see my comments and testimonials? i think its silly.
I really need to learn english !! SG help me for that, it's cool.. but i'm limited.
I saw that you're in 2 groups who talking about animal !! cool !!! animals is a really passion for me... !!! i love cats too, but with my german shepard.. i can't have a cat, because he think that it's a toy for him.. my little Dolie (dog) like cats.. whatever, i like to meet people who like animals like me !!! merry christmas to you !!!