so i had to bring my wee cat to the vet the other day, her seventh eye infection since april. the doctor took some blood and tested her for a couple viruses such as feline lukemia, needless to say i was worried. it turns out that she is all clear on the chronic viral front but she will most likely need surgery sometime down the road (her bottom eyelids curl inwards so her lashes are making contact with her eye), a littl e eye tuck of sorts. i don't like the idea of my sweet baby in for surgery but in the end this seems to be the lesser of evils... although i don't think she agrees as i give her the eye drops and amino acid supplement, not a good time for any involved.
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not a lot to put out there right now...
hope she'll be ok
And yah my luck has definatly changed, you know how things go in life, everything always happens at once, at least with me it does. So I'm back to my old healthy self again, little spurts of sickness like that really make you appreciate your health.
take care