As a rule of thumb, on should never drink scotch in the morning.

I am glad I am not a thumb... all those rules must drive them crazy when all the other fingers are free to do whatever they want.
Oh, things are good thanx. smile Day off tomorrow. Yay!!!! I try to leave work at work when I leave but sometimes it's not that way. frown
Tomorrow morning I'm going out with girlfriend to have coffee, then shopping. You having scotch? wink
those thumbs never have any fun, i tell you.

its all about the pinkies. biggrin
Guess who just got a raise?

I had a fucking great day... felt like a real attorney (FINALLY!) actually solving problems and taking responsibility for stuff and running around at a million miles an hour and delegating stuff to others. It still blows my mind that I have an assistant. Too bad she is not like Maggie Gyllenhaal in the movie, but she is so...
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dang.... I want an assistant too... hahahahah... Im just a fuckin slave...
congratulations! i only wish you could have stayed out with us tonight. we did indeed miss you.
i once considered being an assistant.. but now i think i'd rather have one. tongue
ok... what was here was whiny... begone!
I'll e-mail you when I get home from work.
I cant stop laughing.... hebe camargo still around I guess... at least she was about 2 years ago... same old bullshit on TV... gugu, ratinho, faustao, all that crap.... hahahaha... I think Hebe Camargo and Michael Jackson are trying to see who's gonna get more plastic surgeries...

"passarinho quer dancar o as asinhas balancar e o rabicho remexer tchu tchu tchu tchu" ahahahahahaha... so pathetic.... but I cant lie... I miss my fuckin country... hahahaha
Unwritten love letters clutter my desk, and I run away from nowhere to nowhere in a frenzied attempt to clear the space of memories from a future yet unlived.

My mirror is broken and I see at least two images of myself, deceptive in their familiarity, treacherous in their verisimilitude. Looking at them, I want to embrace the more flattering me while my implacable internal...
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Verisimilitude-the quality of appearing to be true or real. I think I'll add that one to my vocabulary. You're a Mr. Smarty Pants!!! You know how to use big words. wink

I know how to use everyday shooting the shit vocabulary. I write exactly what I am thinking complete with sound effects. Unlike you, I am fluent only in English. I try to pick up on Portuguese though. Thats to humor my son whose father is 1/2 Portuguese. His family got him saying simple phrases so I try to pick them up so it looks like I know everything. But I really dont. But my son doesn't know that. His grandmother's family name is De La Jesus. So, my son asks me one day what that means and I try to translate because I know simple Spanish but it came out "of Jesus". And that opened up a huge can of worms because I dont believe in anything religious at all. So, I had to explain that Jesus is just a nice guy that people write stories about. Aaaargh! Nothing is easy! Is it? -a.

I guess this was more one of those "Gotta try this out" kinds of things. It is the nature of crushes, after all. I cannot really say it was a bad evening, but things just did not quite gel.

The food was excellent, though smile , and I enjoyed the company. All in all, not a bad saturday.
i got a job. at wag-a-lot, but i don't know if i can stay there. i want to cook again. plus, there's a really steep hill on the way back.
I have a date with my #1 crush this saturday... I did something crazy and she called and took me up on it.


Yummy! smile love smile love smile love smile love

po.. sorte sua! hehehe.. espero que tenha aproveitado... eu to sofrendo poraqui! hahahaha...
abraco ae
2006 will kick some serious ass. Last year was not too bad, what with my getting a proper job and stepping out of the stress of having absolutely no money, but it also graced me with the two worst experiences of my life. I start the new year wishing that my little bald chick was around, but actually glad that, if my trust was going...
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Ah shit.

When are we gonna chill man?!?!?!?!

I'm gone Friday but we should get the crowd together this weekend ;D
I work at a very small firm, so it's not really as vicious as what you're describing. A lot of the paralegals have worked there for ten years. But thanks for the input anyway.
My biggest crush (got others, but she is the biggest one right now) called me today, but I missed it. I called back, and then she missed it. I guess it is phone tag for a while.

Happy smile
sooo many of my friends are having birthdays. what sign does that make all of you? it must mean something.

have a fantastic one!
hey, that's awesome. Hope you're having a beter birthday than I am.

As always; it is nothing new. I know exactly what the yearning is, I know what I had to give up to be where I am.

You climb a mountain, and know you could be happy living on the top of it, but you realize that there is another just at the horizon. Not necessarily taller, only different. I guess so religions would call...
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Skimming through the edge of life and desire, I find myself in a quiet morning where the unbearable longing for anything other than now is quieted. I am here in my quiet room, not content but not yearning either, unafraid of loneliness and her lead toothed smile. I read today that the only historical moment one cannot escape is now. That is true, but now...
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Possibilities. Infinite possibilities. I hear the hum of the computer fan and the ticking of a clock as I sit here in a beautiful home that is not mine and I will have to leave the quiet comfort of very soon. I so happen to be wearing a shirt I made, it reads: