So I guess this is the part of my journal where I tell you about my horrible life the last year.
I'll spare you some of the long and boring details, but October 2003 I moved in with my girlfriend of 3 months up at IUP (Indiana University of Pennsylvania).
While things weren't perfect, they weren't horrible. I gave up a lot, but I thought it was worth it.
Flash forward to May of 2004.
We moved together back to my home of Pittsburgh, PA. A month later we were to have our 1 year anniversary.
To cut to the chase, we broke up shortly after, and even though she said it would be awkward to bring someone else home, she had a boyfriend and he was over constantly.
I could barely get out of bed that summer. Finally, it took have two.5 jobs to get my mind off of everything.
Then again she and him were still there.
So here comes January 2005. Our landlords needed to know if we were resigning the lease (and keeping the rent the same in doing so).
My friends hadn't found a place (fraternity brothers.. more in a minute) and I had no where to live. So we both resigned.
Then within the last month, 9 of my brothers have come together and need me as the 10th roommate in a pretty kick ass house (tech. 4 apartments in one house).
So I'm trying to get out of my lease, but since it is resigned until April 2006, I need someone to take my place.
The only problem is that she won't accept anyone I find to replace me. I've been told I can basically make her accept them, but if not, I'm screwed.
I am going to go into counseling soon, because I hate coming home to my own home (they are together in the living room, so I don't even want to goto the kicthen to make dinner).
It sucks.
But I don't want to bore you any more.
I am going to muster up the guts to go into the kitchen and make dinner, then off to bed. Work needs me a few extra hours tomorrow and who is going to say no to overtime!