Fitting for today.
Anyways, YAY! I'm back in the SGPgh group! Let's just say I was banned for the dumbest reason, and that is all we need to say about that.
Hmmm. Let's see.
I am having mixed emotions are people returning. It will be great to see some people, but it's yet another year that I'm not in school, and I'm living in a frat house. This is the last year, whether I go back to school next fall (I'm going to do my best to go), I'm either going to see if Jake wants to get a place somewhere, or find an efficiency.
Eh. We will see.
I'm getting a bunny!!!!! Since Finch is on her way out, I'm taking "Puppy" and bringing her into my life. Hopefully, my roommates bunny "Richie" is a girl (we have to check) or I'm going to have to get her spayed and then they can play/hump

Eh. Other stuff, but eh.
Ok, I'm going to cook some burgers. Peace.
it's so sad leaving her behind