I am going to try and update every Sunday and Thursday.
Sundays will be more active and Thursdays will be a recap.
Love it or leave it.
Anyways, looks like a good bit of SG'ers from around hurr are leaving and I wish them the best of luck. I still plan on hanging out with yall, so it's not a real goodbye.
Not much has changed for me, my trip to Europe was cancelled only because the prices were waaay to high and my income tax return was waaaay to low for it to work out.
Sooooo instead, I decided to spend my tax return how I pleased. I worked a good bit of OT this week, so I felt compelled to indulge.
Check it:
I am a happy boy! They should be here Monday or Tuesday!
Plus, I have left over money from the taxes, so I am headed to Canada and playing some poker! Go me!
Nothing much more but some tidbits:
* The Gambia a.k.a. The "G" finished 4th in the downhill slolom. Just tenths of a second from a medal. No, not the real Olympics, in Torino, but the 1st Annual Delta Phi Beer Olympics. Yes, I am a pathetic 25 year old.
* We are having our annual St. Pardi Gras event on March 18th. It is open to anyone, so SG'ers in the PGH area should definately come. All day event starting at 10am with Kegs and Eggs (actually a full breakfast buffett provided by moi! I will post it in the SGPittsburgh group, so pay attention.
* I might be able to move out of my job into a better paying more involved one without having to wait 6 months. We will see.
* Looks like I am retiring from intramural roller hockey. If my plans of going back to school in the fall come true, then working 40 hours a week, taking 12 credit hours, and still having a life on the weekends might rule out hockey. Now I'm not saying a Jordon or Mario 1st retirement won't occur.
* Hi, you're cute!
Sundays will be more active and Thursdays will be a recap.
Love it or leave it.
Anyways, looks like a good bit of SG'ers from around hurr are leaving and I wish them the best of luck. I still plan on hanging out with yall, so it's not a real goodbye.
Not much has changed for me, my trip to Europe was cancelled only because the prices were waaay to high and my income tax return was waaaay to low for it to work out.
Sooooo instead, I decided to spend my tax return how I pleased. I worked a good bit of OT this week, so I felt compelled to indulge.
Check it:
I am a happy boy! They should be here Monday or Tuesday!
Plus, I have left over money from the taxes, so I am headed to Canada and playing some poker! Go me!
Nothing much more but some tidbits:
* The Gambia a.k.a. The "G" finished 4th in the downhill slolom. Just tenths of a second from a medal. No, not the real Olympics, in Torino, but the 1st Annual Delta Phi Beer Olympics. Yes, I am a pathetic 25 year old.
* We are having our annual St. Pardi Gras event on March 18th. It is open to anyone, so SG'ers in the PGH area should definately come. All day event starting at 10am with Kegs and Eggs (actually a full breakfast buffett provided by moi! I will post it in the SGPittsburgh group, so pay attention.
* I might be able to move out of my job into a better paying more involved one without having to wait 6 months. We will see.
* Looks like I am retiring from intramural roller hockey. If my plans of going back to school in the fall come true, then working 40 hours a week, taking 12 credit hours, and still having a life on the weekends might rule out hockey. Now I'm not saying a Jordon or Mario 1st retirement won't occur.
* Hi, you're cute!
Up for stopping for a beer in the strip on Wednesday?
Me and a buddy of mine are stopping at the firehouse lounge on Penn Ave after work...