So last week I sat down to have this started. This is at one week.

Even the heart isnt finished completley, colours need finishing and the final touch up. Plan is to have this in the centre of a vine with roses and surrounded by little ace of spades as the background.
Pretty happy so far. The biggest pain I felt having it done was the kink in my neck. Pretty fuckin' awesome seeing as the one on my back nearly had me in tears......
Apart from that, I need to get serious about speciality training, must go talk to the right people after my little break. I probably also need an intervention seeing as a certain trashy club knows my drink and provides it with only a nod!

Even the heart isnt finished completley, colours need finishing and the final touch up. Plan is to have this in the centre of a vine with roses and surrounded by little ace of spades as the background.
Pretty happy so far. The biggest pain I felt having it done was the kink in my neck. Pretty fuckin' awesome seeing as the one on my back nearly had me in tears......
Apart from that, I need to get serious about speciality training, must go talk to the right people after my little break. I probably also need an intervention seeing as a certain trashy club knows my drink and provides it with only a nod!
mattoo. bondi ink.
I wanna know what trashy place too!