Yowsers. A cavalcade of luscious ladies, a feast for the eyes to rival that which my taste buds enjoyed today. And of course I'm grateful for their sharing their beauty and artistry and creativity with us. I'd be more grateful if my parents would spring for high-speed internet.
Tomorrow my dad and I are going to grab the guns and teach some recalcitrant pumpkins a lesson or two.
Yeah, that's all for now. Except, of course happy birthday to Nena and Glitch.
Too close is close enough.

Tomorrow my dad and I are going to grab the guns and teach some recalcitrant pumpkins a lesson or two.
Yeah, that's all for now. Except, of course happy birthday to Nena and Glitch.
Too close is close enough.
I too find that phrase amusing!
Thanks for your comment on my last set