My internet mysteriously went out this morning. Since I was going to be leaving Tuesday anyway, it hardly seemed worth calling the company to get the problem solved. Of course, this meant I went a little stir crazy, as all other forms of entertainment got packed up and shipped to Boise, with the exception of one book (The Sword of Shannara, which I'm having the worst trouble being interested in), and a few games on lappy. Weirdly enough, when I checked this evening, it was back on. I wonder whether it has anything to do with my paying my bill.... Anyway, here's my exciting day:
Early this morning sometime I woke up after having rather a nasty dream. It involved Posh and a girl I went to high school with. I don't remember precisely what was happening, but I was on my stomach on my bed, dealing with one of them somehow on the computer, while the other was using a syringe to get some kind fluid out of my back. The pain was extraordinary, and it was during the second syringe-full that I awoke in a panic, clutching my back. It took me a bit to calm back down. Now, yeah, that's scary (to me, anyway; I have a special and personal fear of needles and medical situations), but here's, imo, the creepiest part: the initials of the girl I went to school with are L. P. Here's a link for those who don't see the significance.
BTW, you people have no idea how much I love you. Just glancing at that page gave me the willies. Oh, wait, now you do.
Then tonight, after getting a bunch of clothes into suitcases and garbage bags, I decided to blow this pop stand. I was going to spend the evening at Barnes and Noble, reading a book and sipping a hot beverage, but the store I went to closes at 7pm Sundays. I got there at 6:30. After that rousing success, I decided to pay the local cineplex a visit, and boy, am I glad I did. The new Bond movie is excellent. More action and suspense, less gadgetry and snappy one-liners.
Oh, yeah, forgot to mention, I went ahead and bought the book I was reading, Belinda by Anne Rice. It has a painting of a nekkie girl's back on the cover. The woman at the counter wouldn't look me in the eye after she saw it. I've decided that every once in a while, I'm going to purchase something with the intent of evoking discomfort in the person selling it to me. So much fun.
Oh, and I'm going to keep things public until around Thanksgiving.
What's the worst that I could say? Things are better if I stay.
Early this morning sometime I woke up after having rather a nasty dream. It involved Posh and a girl I went to high school with. I don't remember precisely what was happening, but I was on my stomach on my bed, dealing with one of them somehow on the computer, while the other was using a syringe to get some kind fluid out of my back. The pain was extraordinary, and it was during the second syringe-full that I awoke in a panic, clutching my back. It took me a bit to calm back down. Now, yeah, that's scary (to me, anyway; I have a special and personal fear of needles and medical situations), but here's, imo, the creepiest part: the initials of the girl I went to school with are L. P. Here's a link for those who don't see the significance.
BTW, you people have no idea how much I love you. Just glancing at that page gave me the willies. Oh, wait, now you do.

Then tonight, after getting a bunch of clothes into suitcases and garbage bags, I decided to blow this pop stand. I was going to spend the evening at Barnes and Noble, reading a book and sipping a hot beverage, but the store I went to closes at 7pm Sundays. I got there at 6:30. After that rousing success, I decided to pay the local cineplex a visit, and boy, am I glad I did. The new Bond movie is excellent. More action and suspense, less gadgetry and snappy one-liners.
Oh, yeah, forgot to mention, I went ahead and bought the book I was reading, Belinda by Anne Rice. It has a painting of a nekkie girl's back on the cover. The woman at the counter wouldn't look me in the eye after she saw it. I've decided that every once in a while, I'm going to purchase something with the intent of evoking discomfort in the person selling it to me. So much fun.
Oh, and I'm going to keep things public until around Thanksgiving.
What's the worst that I could say? Things are better if I stay.
I used to manage a Super Crown. Once a month we had all our regular male customers who would buy up the new issues of the porno mags. (Get this, SC called them "Mens' Sophisticates"! Talk about euphemism! LOL!). Anyway, I had no problem ringing up $80 worth of porn mags. However, we got a lot of 19 year old girls working at our store. I used to make them ring up the mags so they could get numb to it. We called it "trial by fire". It only took 2 months to get those poor kids used to it.