I just read Liante's rant about Tery Goodkind and felt inspired to share my own feelings about Robert Jordan. Ahem. "Hey, asshole, try taking your books someplace!" The Wheel of Time series was great, for three of four books. Now we're into what, book ten (?), and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENS. At least in the previous one Rand cleansed Saidar (or is it Saidin?) and made the world a safe place for men who could channel. So I was expecting the most recent one to wrap up some loose ends, maybe get us ready for the big finish, but no, now every two-bit jerk is a main character and has his own storyline. For God's sake, man! Streamline! Yeah, so I think I'm done. Except to say that I'm not buying or reading any more of his books until he has an actual editor go through his MSs with a machete.
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