I really can't stand Sarah Palin. I wish she would just drop off the face of the earth but we won't be so lucky. I just hope to god she doesn't run for president and enough slack-jawed yokels find their way to the voting booths and get her into office. If that were to happen I WILL move to Canada. Why am I on this anti-SP rant?
Well, she is in the news again because of the latest Family Guy episode. She was offended because in the episode, one of the main characters Chris was dating a girl named Ellen who had Down syndrome. Now remember, Palin has a son with Down syndrome. So in the episode, Ellen tells Chris that her mother was "the former governor of Alaska". Ha ha. Oh, Sarah Palin now has reared her ugly head and condemned Family Guy, blah blah blah. So, who is now defending Family Guy? The person who voiced the character of Ellen in that episode.....Andrea Fay Friedman, who has Down syndrome. You may remember her as Corky's girlfriend on the show "Life Goes On". Anyway, this is what she had to say about the brouhaha...
"My name is Andrea Fay Friedman. I was born with Down syndrome. I played the role of Ellen on the "Extra Large Medium" episode of Family Guy that was broadcast on Valentine's day. Although they gave me red hair on the show, I am really a blonde. I also wore a red wig for my role in "Smudge" but I was a blonde in "Life Goes On". I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor. I thought the line "I am the daughter of the former governor of Alaska" was very funny. I think the word is "sarcasm".
In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life. My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes."
Take that Sarah Palin! Now I feel like watching those old "Life Goes On" episodes.....
Well, she is in the news again because of the latest Family Guy episode. She was offended because in the episode, one of the main characters Chris was dating a girl named Ellen who had Down syndrome. Now remember, Palin has a son with Down syndrome. So in the episode, Ellen tells Chris that her mother was "the former governor of Alaska". Ha ha. Oh, Sarah Palin now has reared her ugly head and condemned Family Guy, blah blah blah. So, who is now defending Family Guy? The person who voiced the character of Ellen in that episode.....Andrea Fay Friedman, who has Down syndrome. You may remember her as Corky's girlfriend on the show "Life Goes On". Anyway, this is what she had to say about the brouhaha...
"My name is Andrea Fay Friedman. I was born with Down syndrome. I played the role of Ellen on the "Extra Large Medium" episode of Family Guy that was broadcast on Valentine's day. Although they gave me red hair on the show, I am really a blonde. I also wore a red wig for my role in "Smudge" but I was a blonde in "Life Goes On". I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor. I thought the line "I am the daughter of the former governor of Alaska" was very funny. I think the word is "sarcasm".
In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life. My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes."
Take that Sarah Palin! Now I feel like watching those old "Life Goes On" episodes.....
THANK YOU! I am a huge Family Guy fan so when I saw that episode I was already expecting Palin's backlash... what I did not expect was Andrea to be fucking kick ass! The only way Palin can even ATTEMPT to redeem herself is if she makes up some bullshit about about 'speaking in the heat of the moment'. If the kid with actual down syndrome is ok with it... how can Palin be such a bitch..... I am with you 10,000 percent on this!
I dont even live in America and I don't like Sarah Palin.