Thank you for your comments and for those who are always commenting even if I never answered.
This week in Paris was the fashion week. I don't know in the inside this period but I really like it. Lot of foreigners comes in Paris and we can meet different people. I'm tired about the people I always meet in Paris, I'm tired about Paris and the precarity. (even if it is may worse in different countries and in America for example, but it looks better in Germany).
This week end there is a fashion film festival in Centre Pompidou. i enjoy to see it, it is really inspiring.
I visit Versailles few days ago, for a exhibition about the XVIIIeme century's costume and the influences on the actual Haute Couture. it was so beautiful (but a little bit tiny).
I recommand the Hussein Chalayan exhibition too, he's a fashion designer from Chypre but really conceptual and he use technology on his clothes it is fantastic. Nothing is more fantastic for me than fashion design.
Here are the most recents pictures of me I took. Hope you like it.
Kiss !!
Have a good day !
Thank you for your comments and for those who are always commenting even if I never answered.

This week in Paris was the fashion week. I don't know in the inside this period but I really like it. Lot of foreigners comes in Paris and we can meet different people. I'm tired about the people I always meet in Paris, I'm tired about Paris and the precarity. (even if it is may worse in different countries and in America for example, but it looks better in Germany).
This week end there is a fashion film festival in Centre Pompidou. i enjoy to see it, it is really inspiring.
I visit Versailles few days ago, for a exhibition about the XVIIIeme century's costume and the influences on the actual Haute Couture. it was so beautiful (but a little bit tiny).
I recommand the Hussein Chalayan exhibition too, he's a fashion designer from Chypre but really conceptual and he use technology on his clothes it is fantastic. Nothing is more fantastic for me than fashion design.
Here are the most recents pictures of me I took. Hope you like it.
Kiss !!

Have a good day !
Pas trs gaie ta nouvelle "sentence" ct de ton pseudo... 

We drive west en dcembre! (cf ton entte ^^)