I don't feel good.
I don't know when was the beginning. It's like it was always like that, and something has awaken the violence. Recently. I'm scared about the next full moon. Sunday.
It is strange because my tender boyfriend is sensible to the moon too, and he seem's so quiet. He is my drug, the only way for me to be quiet, to feel fine again. And I'm scared to broke this fragile love. Because all seem's fragile in front of this violence. The violence of unconscious. Cet tat d'tre inconscient, coup du monde, de son corps, de sa sensibilit.
I'm tired to search the beauty. This is the last thing who can feed me. All the rest is rotten and gives me so much pain inside.
I'm in search of the sensuality, but I just see the corpse. Le cadavre de la sensualit que la vulgarit portait pour faire chic. This is the reign of vulgarity and violence.
I need words. Pretty words, nice words. Things who said that we will change all this rotten things, that we don't let the stinky worlds dying of his plagues.
My english is so bad that I don't know if somebody could understand. My french is well but I don't know if somebody could understand. People sedate themself and kill their sensibility.
I just put here som random W/B picts.
I'm sad, and if you want to do something for me, I want you try to be more counscious, open yourself to the sensibility.
I find some quiet feeling with the neofolk music. This music saves my life, saves my faith. I'm so happy to know that it exists.
I don't know when was the beginning. It's like it was always like that, and something has awaken the violence. Recently. I'm scared about the next full moon. Sunday.
It is strange because my tender boyfriend is sensible to the moon too, and he seem's so quiet. He is my drug, the only way for me to be quiet, to feel fine again. And I'm scared to broke this fragile love. Because all seem's fragile in front of this violence. The violence of unconscious. Cet tat d'tre inconscient, coup du monde, de son corps, de sa sensibilit.
I'm tired to search the beauty. This is the last thing who can feed me. All the rest is rotten and gives me so much pain inside.
I'm in search of the sensuality, but I just see the corpse. Le cadavre de la sensualit que la vulgarit portait pour faire chic. This is the reign of vulgarity and violence.
I need words. Pretty words, nice words. Things who said that we will change all this rotten things, that we don't let the stinky worlds dying of his plagues.
My english is so bad that I don't know if somebody could understand. My french is well but I don't know if somebody could understand. People sedate themself and kill their sensibility.
I just put here som random W/B picts.
I'm sad, and if you want to do something for me, I want you try to be more counscious, open yourself to the sensibility.

I find some quiet feeling with the neofolk music. This music saves my life, saves my faith. I'm so happy to know that it exists.
Ceci-dit tu es d'accord dans l'ide, c'est dj a...
Ne me remercie pas pour mon commentaire, j'aime bien user des mots pour les mettre sur motions, pour dcrire au mieux des sensations et cela sur ce que je vois, sur ce que je lis et surtout sur ce que je ressens. tant d'une extrme sensibilit, j'avoue que la plupart des choses ne me laissent pas indiffrentes mme si bien entendu, je les prouve diffrents degrs. Et en ce qui te concerne, tes textes ont ce "quelque chose" qui m'a attire. Cependant, je te mentirai si je t'affirmais que tes photos n'ont pas elles aussi jou un rle, mais quoiqu'il en soit tu as certes un beau physique mais tu as aussi ce regard qui ne laisse pas de marbre et je trouve que tu as une personnalit intressante et originale avec ce que j'ai pu lire et voir !
Et bien sur SG, j'ai dj pu enfin regarder certains sets dj croiss sur le net mais que je ne pouvais voir dans leur intgralit puisque je n'tais pas membre. Et puis, a m'a permis de dcouvrir de nouvelles Suicide Girls, dont toi !
En ce qui concerne le clip de CocoRosie, il est vrai que ce clip possde une certaine esthtique qui m'a bien plu, sans parler de la musique qui me parle.
Bien toi.
Et bonne continuation