Sorry for this so naive explanation full of words mistake. My mind isnt so manicheenne, but im pretty not good in english and I wanted to speak about this french situation.
To begin, take a breath ^^

It looks I become less unhappy to be french.
My personnality grows with the ghost of the Artist. Lot of tourments, lot of sadness, lot of joy. Creativity, Constant need to questionning everything for a better world, unaccept the abuses.
I suffer in this life, I like my life, my choices, but I dont like the world where I put my feet. Last decade was lot of crisis for me. It was so hard to find a flat. It was so find to have money to buy (sh-)eat. I cant bored that world where what we eat are so degenerated. It is so hard to find a job, if we want to keep our soul. The soul with the respect of human values. Not to fight against weaker and feel strong cause we destroy the others,... I hate concurences. I hate the logic of the market. I hate the accreassed number of suicides in the Orange society (cell phone company).
France is a rich country, with lot of poor people. But we have lot of milliardaires. I choose to think it isnt normal to hunt so hard to find a roof, a place to live. For example, if you dont have a job, and paid bill, and no parents, what can you do? We need the three last paid bills, we have to win three times more than the monthly price of the flat, and it isnt enough, you need garants, people like your parents who win this too. And maybe you could have a really shitty flat, like 15m for 600 euros per months if you are lucky. But if your name is not a french name it is more difficult.
For a job, I didnt find one again. I think I become sick and sicker with this society so, Im not a good example for search a job.
When you follow the news, so, I can do it cause I have no job and have more time than workers, you learned about the gouvernement and it is worse and worse. This summer, the Rom s expulsion was a point, but it is more the governments cinism that is so painful. The method, built on number, on quota. (Imagine a new government who supress the culture minister (so he divised the budget by 3) to build a immigration minister... ).There is a propagande against tsiganes. But tziganes arent roms. Tziganes are french people too. It isnt about to be for or against roms, what disturbs me is the way the propagande build mentality.
A point concerning the money in France, this summer the point with Liliane Bettencourt and Eric Woerth begins more and more crazy. When we follow this you think it is totally insane. And this is Eric Woerth who was chosen to busy about the pensions. L Bettencourt is one of the richer people of France, the society LOreal belongs to her. In France we have lot of taxes on the big fortunes. Eric Woerth, who was a finance minister for take care against the money laundering etc, help the lady to manage her money, like not declaring an pacific Island..., and she paid him to that. But the affair is worse and more complicate like this. And how could we not react against all that ? He have to be in jails, but not, he decide to reduce the pensions.
People could think that we do manifestations against the pensionss laws, but it isnt just that. (and the reform is not just about the age of pensions, it is about health too, like the work medecine, Health french system was a good revolution for the french society and all our acquis becomes to be break because of the capitalist system, the government is in relationship with the company boss..) It is a manifestation against this shitty society that the french government are building for us. French people are less happy than twenty years ago, it is a regression. So Im happy french people try to block the country, block the transports, the carburants, etc... Im not happy with people who breaks all they could, are burning all they find etc, but those people are what our government have create with the frustration of post-liberalism. Im not a hard defenseur of democraty, I know that it is democraty who were choising our government and I hate the bad taste of the masses, but I dont like Nicolas Sarkozy.
On this video the debat is that the man who are breaking the glass is a cop in civil garments.
The manifestations have a mediatic "enjeux".
Some newspapers just speak about the breaks of the shops or the highschool who are burning, the others speak about the revendications, others speak about Nicolas Sarkozy,...
I'm interested about the video cause my BF lives in this area, in Bastille and I could see on my own eyes how the CRS are violents.
CRS are fighting people in the street who don't do the manifestation and are not aggresiv, they beat the journalists, sometimes they agress left politics, and often they shoot on schoolboy.
And people continues to think this government is normal.
To begin, take a breath ^^

It looks I become less unhappy to be french.
My personnality grows with the ghost of the Artist. Lot of tourments, lot of sadness, lot of joy. Creativity, Constant need to questionning everything for a better world, unaccept the abuses.
I suffer in this life, I like my life, my choices, but I dont like the world where I put my feet. Last decade was lot of crisis for me. It was so hard to find a flat. It was so find to have money to buy (sh-)eat. I cant bored that world where what we eat are so degenerated. It is so hard to find a job, if we want to keep our soul. The soul with the respect of human values. Not to fight against weaker and feel strong cause we destroy the others,... I hate concurences. I hate the logic of the market. I hate the accreassed number of suicides in the Orange society (cell phone company).
France is a rich country, with lot of poor people. But we have lot of milliardaires. I choose to think it isnt normal to hunt so hard to find a roof, a place to live. For example, if you dont have a job, and paid bill, and no parents, what can you do? We need the three last paid bills, we have to win three times more than the monthly price of the flat, and it isnt enough, you need garants, people like your parents who win this too. And maybe you could have a really shitty flat, like 15m for 600 euros per months if you are lucky. But if your name is not a french name it is more difficult.
For a job, I didnt find one again. I think I become sick and sicker with this society so, Im not a good example for search a job.
When you follow the news, so, I can do it cause I have no job and have more time than workers, you learned about the gouvernement and it is worse and worse. This summer, the Rom s expulsion was a point, but it is more the governments cinism that is so painful. The method, built on number, on quota. (Imagine a new government who supress the culture minister (so he divised the budget by 3) to build a immigration minister... ).There is a propagande against tsiganes. But tziganes arent roms. Tziganes are french people too. It isnt about to be for or against roms, what disturbs me is the way the propagande build mentality.
A point concerning the money in France, this summer the point with Liliane Bettencourt and Eric Woerth begins more and more crazy. When we follow this you think it is totally insane. And this is Eric Woerth who was chosen to busy about the pensions. L Bettencourt is one of the richer people of France, the society LOreal belongs to her. In France we have lot of taxes on the big fortunes. Eric Woerth, who was a finance minister for take care against the money laundering etc, help the lady to manage her money, like not declaring an pacific Island..., and she paid him to that. But the affair is worse and more complicate like this. And how could we not react against all that ? He have to be in jails, but not, he decide to reduce the pensions.
People could think that we do manifestations against the pensionss laws, but it isnt just that. (and the reform is not just about the age of pensions, it is about health too, like the work medecine, Health french system was a good revolution for the french society and all our acquis becomes to be break because of the capitalist system, the government is in relationship with the company boss..) It is a manifestation against this shitty society that the french government are building for us. French people are less happy than twenty years ago, it is a regression. So Im happy french people try to block the country, block the transports, the carburants, etc... Im not happy with people who breaks all they could, are burning all they find etc, but those people are what our government have create with the frustration of post-liberalism. Im not a hard defenseur of democraty, I know that it is democraty who were choising our government and I hate the bad taste of the masses, but I dont like Nicolas Sarkozy.
On this video the debat is that the man who are breaking the glass is a cop in civil garments.
The manifestations have a mediatic "enjeux".
Some newspapers just speak about the breaks of the shops or the highschool who are burning, the others speak about the revendications, others speak about Nicolas Sarkozy,...
I'm interested about the video cause my BF lives in this area, in Bastille and I could see on my own eyes how the CRS are violents.
CRS are fighting people in the street who don't do the manifestation and are not aggresiv, they beat the journalists, sometimes they agress left politics, and often they shoot on schoolboy.
And people continues to think this government is normal.
actually, your english is very effective. there is often a special charm when eloquence is expressed through the patterns, vocabulary and even grammar of another lnaguage. there is a hint of that in your wrting that brings freshness and new perspectives. i always enjoy it.
if politics fails ... people have to act. (without brutality and useless destruction)