I stay to my parents home those days.
I can sewing like I want. *Joy*
I dream about a factory with my stuff, but I first dream about my liberty, that I have. I just scare to give my liberty for materials things.
Now, I feel confidence.
Last months I feel lost someday, because I was sick, because my boyfriend feel less emotions with me, because job,...
But it permit me to ask me some questions. Now I feel better, I know where I go and I feel hapiness.
My boyfriend is like an angel, he wants to be happy in every circonstances but stay sensitiv and (lucide). For me he's a light. It is funny because some people didn't like him. When he was younger he had a bad sens of humour and hurts people. When I was youner I feel alone because of my sense of humour but now I just know that I didn't meet the "good" person for this.
I had some wishes about myself. Wishes are funny. Even if I didn't do this, I know that it is what I want.
1- meditation
2- to pray. I have no religion but I want to feel connect to what you want to call it, the earth, the energy, god, destiny, cosmos, ... pray is not asking but say thank you for what I have,...
3- take care to my body with little sport's activities (exercices). (even I have a velib' card ^^)
4- try to eat better (more fruits, less coffe? but prefer plaisure (so I don't stop coffe))
5- try to be disponible for people (it is what I don't do the most) (speak to my mother when she ask me something even if she choose this moment when I'm on toilett, answer to my phone (I hate phone for speaking),... Be patient (I'm the inpatience),...
So time for pictures:
I can sewing like I want. *Joy*
I dream about a factory with my stuff, but I first dream about my liberty, that I have. I just scare to give my liberty for materials things.
Now, I feel confidence.
Last months I feel lost someday, because I was sick, because my boyfriend feel less emotions with me, because job,...
But it permit me to ask me some questions. Now I feel better, I know where I go and I feel hapiness.
My boyfriend is like an angel, he wants to be happy in every circonstances but stay sensitiv and (lucide). For me he's a light. It is funny because some people didn't like him. When he was younger he had a bad sens of humour and hurts people. When I was youner I feel alone because of my sense of humour but now I just know that I didn't meet the "good" person for this.
I had some wishes about myself. Wishes are funny. Even if I didn't do this, I know that it is what I want.
1- meditation
2- to pray. I have no religion but I want to feel connect to what you want to call it, the earth, the energy, god, destiny, cosmos, ... pray is not asking but say thank you for what I have,...
3- take care to my body with little sport's activities (exercices). (even I have a velib' card ^^)
4- try to eat better (more fruits, less coffe? but prefer plaisure (so I don't stop coffe))
5- try to be disponible for people (it is what I don't do the most) (speak to my mother when she ask me something even if she choose this moment when I'm on toilett, answer to my phone (I hate phone for speaking),... Be patient (I'm the inpatience),...
So time for pictures:

les blagues de qualit y'en a pas eu, on se refait pas
j'ai un vieux doute ? je t'avais envoy le set termin ou juste la galerie flash ? dis moi sinon je te l'envoie.
pareil si tu veux une nouvelle pp partir du set, donnes moi le n i je t'envoie a.
Faut vraiment pas avoir peur de me demander si tu veux refaire quelque chose, je dis pas aux gens que j'ai eu plaisir de bosser avec eux par politesse tu sais
Donc si jamais une ide mri (oui les lieux, toujours la grande histoire, d'ailleurs pour les sets des autrichiennes, le problme du lieu a t bien folklo) fais moi signe, a me permet de te contacter en priorit quand je cale des dates