So I'm following up on my last's just about time for me to tell my dad that I've been suspended from college and that I want to move to Portland. I have pretty much everything figured out and will visit first during the fall break so that maybe Kevin can come with me (since he misses the northwest more than a convicted child-molester misses the daycare). I'll have about 3000 dollars saved by January and will move in between New Years and the start of the school semesters. I've moved a lot before so I think it'll go smoothly, espscially if Todd and others who are already up there are willing to help out. I'm reading Rejects and Refugees. I have a truck with about 50 dollars worth of band stickers on it and I want someone cool to buy it up there so I won't have to drive or sacrifice the truck's awesomeness to some cowfuck down here. I guess that's all for now.
fugitives, not rejects. see? im getting dumber. i think its the air...