so theres this girl i met earlier this year who happens to be, overall, one of the most attractive people ive met since moving to portand. i was pretty sure she wasnt into me until a friend of hers spoke up at a party at my place a couple of nights ago. anyways, she broke up with a pretty serious boyfriend a couple of months ago and is about to undergo a surgery that would debilitate her from intercourse for...a long ass time, like 8 months or something. all this to say, i broke a 6 month unintentional abstinence with a drunken all-night sex marathon that apparently will help her cope with her own unintentional abstinence and feelings of rejection. i feel used. its pretty hot.
thank god no one i know reads this...except maybe dori and shes probably too stoned to remember any details.
thank god no one i know reads this...except maybe dori and shes probably too stoned to remember any details.

anyone i know? i want details!
hahaha.........................................hmm........i'm gonna go smoke a bowl.....