Look who is in the Front page!

Thanks to all the sweet comments and tons of friend request. It means a lot to me to be again in the front page!
This was my first time working with Pulse, and I shot this set in Uruguay.
If you want to see more of me you are going to love this set

we need a christmas miracle!

Became my fan

Thanks to all the sweet comments and tons of friend request. It means a lot to me to be again in the front page!
This was my first time working with Pulse, and I shot this set in Uruguay.
If you want to see more of me you are going to love this set

we need a christmas miracle!

Became my fan
esa! pegaste front! bien ahi divina!!!
yay for front page cutie! and march is AWESOME!! ill be getting back from tour on the 18th so hopefully i will get to meet you!