wonderful. i'm sick. that's just GREAT. one of us is always sick. it's a horrible snotty cycle. i hate being sick.
i'm kinda nervous about losing 'prudence.' i'm afraid some other chick will come claim it, and i'll never have it again. if that happens, kick her ass for me, won't you?
if only my real name wasn't so boring
i'm scared. i'm scared of going to war. during the last gulf war, i wasn't as scared, b/c as far as i knew, there wasn't a real threat of a counter-attack. this time there IS. a big one. and i'm scared.
note: binsley q. snidejaw [he had to leave out one of the e's for space] is not sylvain's real name. his real name is rick. in fact, rick didn't even make up the name bingsley q. snidejaw. it was an invention and alter-ego of our old friend, former junkie and former new yorker, ron diamondstein. when ron dj'ed with us at KALX, he went by many air-names, but occasionally, off the air, he would refer to himself as 'bingsley q. snidejaw.' eventually, bingsley q. snidejaw sort of became KALX's invisible mascot.
it's also the name of one of our cats, which i named for ron.
i miss that guy...

i'm kinda nervous about losing 'prudence.' i'm afraid some other chick will come claim it, and i'll never have it again. if that happens, kick her ass for me, won't you?
if only my real name wasn't so boring

i'm scared. i'm scared of going to war. during the last gulf war, i wasn't as scared, b/c as far as i knew, there wasn't a real threat of a counter-attack. this time there IS. a big one. and i'm scared.
note: binsley q. snidejaw [he had to leave out one of the e's for space] is not sylvain's real name. his real name is rick. in fact, rick didn't even make up the name bingsley q. snidejaw. it was an invention and alter-ego of our old friend, former junkie and former new yorker, ron diamondstein. when ron dj'ed with us at KALX, he went by many air-names, but occasionally, off the air, he would refer to himself as 'bingsley q. snidejaw.' eventually, bingsley q. snidejaw sort of became KALX's invisible mascot.
it's also the name of one of our cats, which i named for ron.
i miss that guy...
i would love to get her a membership except for the fact we would then be fighting over the computer
and she totally understands my addiction
as you can tell i didnt make it to friday
my real name isn't very ... common {yours isn't boring!}, and it's not that special being uncommon, really
ooh ooh i can kick ass though!