know, the more i look at that crappy photoshop effort in my profile, the more i like it. it kind of looks like i'm looking through a window covered with painted flowers.
so, i think it's finally gonna happen. a week from friday, i think i'm finally gonna be able to rock the airwaves again, thanks to a loophole in the KALX system. According to KALX rules, any new or returning dj has to be there for 3 months before they can do another show, but, if i just get a 'legitimate' dj to sign the FCC log, i can still do it (as long as he remains there...sometimes dj's will let their friends come in and dj this way...). so, rick signed up to do this Friday's 6-9pm shift, and he said i can do half of it if i want (i'm gonna try and see if he'll let me do more...i may not want to, though, since it's been so long...). i'm so exited! i miss it so much!
so, anyway, if for some reason you wanna get it in the ear, it'll be 6-9pm PST on Friday, Oct.4. if you're in the berkeley listening area, it's 90.7 fm...if you're not, go to for streaming audio. i'm planning on using the air-name Annabelle. got any requests? let me know. i may even give you a shout-out! or, if you're an SG, it can be a sneaky way to promote the site. just keep in mind, though, that i haven't been on the air in 2 years (although i have dj'ed a plenty, but being on the radio is a totally different head, as johnny slash would say [i'll totally make-out with you hard if you even know who that is!]), so i'm apt to sound like shit (that's also why i'm only mentioning it here, instead of on the boards). the music will be good, though- i promise. well, let me rephrase that...since i literally play practically 'everything,' there's actually a good chance that you won't like at least half of the genres i'll play, depending on your tastes. you will learn something, though
i can't wait! heeeheeeheeeeeeeeee! i'm gonna go jump up and down for a while. maybe i should put on a bra first! ouch!
edit: crap- the link format didn't work!
so, i think it's finally gonna happen. a week from friday, i think i'm finally gonna be able to rock the airwaves again, thanks to a loophole in the KALX system. According to KALX rules, any new or returning dj has to be there for 3 months before they can do another show, but, if i just get a 'legitimate' dj to sign the FCC log, i can still do it (as long as he remains there...sometimes dj's will let their friends come in and dj this way...). so, rick signed up to do this Friday's 6-9pm shift, and he said i can do half of it if i want (i'm gonna try and see if he'll let me do more...i may not want to, though, since it's been so long...). i'm so exited! i miss it so much!
so, anyway, if for some reason you wanna get it in the ear, it'll be 6-9pm PST on Friday, Oct.4. if you're in the berkeley listening area, it's 90.7 fm...if you're not, go to for streaming audio. i'm planning on using the air-name Annabelle. got any requests? let me know. i may even give you a shout-out! or, if you're an SG, it can be a sneaky way to promote the site. just keep in mind, though, that i haven't been on the air in 2 years (although i have dj'ed a plenty, but being on the radio is a totally different head, as johnny slash would say [i'll totally make-out with you hard if you even know who that is!]), so i'm apt to sound like shit (that's also why i'm only mentioning it here, instead of on the boards). the music will be good, though- i promise. well, let me rephrase that...since i literally play practically 'everything,' there's actually a good chance that you won't like at least half of the genres i'll play, depending on your tastes. you will learn something, though

i can't wait! heeeheeeheeeeeeeeee! i'm gonna go jump up and down for a while. maybe i should put on a bra first! ouch!
edit: crap- the link format didn't work!
I am do diggidy-down for a bowling excursion...Albany Bowl?
I am so down. Do we have a date in mind?