ants, ants, all over my kitchen counter. yuck. they're crawling out from under the microwave. i clean and clean and they're still coming. ants in the kitchen. yuck. does anybody remember UB40's 'rat in the kitchen' album? correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe it was UB40's only original album (or MOSTLY original... i don't remember every track on the's been a long, long time, folks...). it really wasn't that bad! the music was competent enough, and it was a pretty decent political (anti-apartheid, to be specific) album. why didn't they ever do more stuff like that? they rest of their stuff is CRAP! i used to work in an ice creamery in oakland, where they have a jukebox- a really crappy one. working there was pretty miserable, especially for a music geek (or snob-you pick!) like me, b/c i would have to hear UB40's version of 'red red wine' AT LEAST 3 times a night. i always felt really sorry for the people who worked in mel's diner, b/c they would have to listen to the same oldies OVER and OVER and OVER again. don't get me wrong- i like jukeboxes, and frequently will 'put another dime' in them, but even the best jukebox collections can become tiresome to those who have to work with them. even ones that have really obscure music will tend to have whatever the obscure 'hit' is at the time played a zillion times a day.
i've noticed on a few threads on the boards that i'm frequently the only girl who posts. not exactly sure what this means. it may mean that my interests are varied, but it probably more likely means that i'm on the boards WAY too much! or, maybe i'm just a geeky boy trapped in a cute girls body!
i need a nap
i've noticed on a few threads on the boards that i'm frequently the only girl who posts. not exactly sure what this means. it may mean that my interests are varied, but it probably more likely means that i'm on the boards WAY too much! or, maybe i'm just a geeky boy trapped in a cute girls body!

i need a nap