well, i'd originally decided to put this picture up, b/c of INKEDgirl's new profile pic. when she'd first put it up, she mentioned how it was a picture of her without her glasses. so, i'd decided, just for today, i would put this picture up of me wearing my glasses (which i wear more often than not these days, anyway). plus, it's a picture of me looking up and off to the side, like hers, but...she's gone now. oh, well. it was nice having her here, but we really can't expect people to stay around FOREVER, can we? although we may be disappointed, i think the best thing we can all do for her is to respect her decision to leave, whether or not we agree with it. if you really give a shit about someone, it shouldn't matter whether or not they're members of this site.
so, anyway, there it is! it's also one of the most recent pictures of me (it was taken a month ago). i wish my face didn't look so fat in it. whaa. i'm working on a better, current pic that i can use online, but i don't have a digital camera. so, i have to take the pictures, use up all the film, then have long's put them on a picture disk. then, pray that any of them turned out ok! we'll just have to wait and see...
i'd like to thank everyone again for all the kind posts in my last journal update. honestly, i was deeply moved by all of them. the ones that made me feel the best, though, were the ones that didn't tell me to just 'stop' thinking i'm ugly (not that i didn't appreciate those, too!), but instead told me that it was OKAY that i felt that way sometimes, b/c i'm human, and that they sometimes feel it, too...as well as the ones who encouraged me to use this journal to vent those feelings when i need to, and that they'd be here to listen. it really brings tears to my eyes to think about it. thank you so much! YOU guys are the ones who posess inner beauty, to be so caring and supportive to someone whom you've never met! there's hope for the human race after all...
i will go to bed by 11pm. i will i will i will iwilliwilliwilliwill!!!!
Faith is my new hero! everyone go tell her what a beautiful human being she is!
p.s. Solisis Rocks!!!
so, anyway, there it is! it's also one of the most recent pictures of me (it was taken a month ago). i wish my face didn't look so fat in it. whaa. i'm working on a better, current pic that i can use online, but i don't have a digital camera. so, i have to take the pictures, use up all the film, then have long's put them on a picture disk. then, pray that any of them turned out ok! we'll just have to wait and see...
i'd like to thank everyone again for all the kind posts in my last journal update. honestly, i was deeply moved by all of them. the ones that made me feel the best, though, were the ones that didn't tell me to just 'stop' thinking i'm ugly (not that i didn't appreciate those, too!), but instead told me that it was OKAY that i felt that way sometimes, b/c i'm human, and that they sometimes feel it, too...as well as the ones who encouraged me to use this journal to vent those feelings when i need to, and that they'd be here to listen. it really brings tears to my eyes to think about it. thank you so much! YOU guys are the ones who posess inner beauty, to be so caring and supportive to someone whom you've never met! there's hope for the human race after all...
i will go to bed by 11pm. i will i will i will iwilliwilliwilliwill!!!!
Faith is my new hero! everyone go tell her what a beautiful human being she is!
p.s. Solisis Rocks!!!
Actually so you know, wilhelm's account expired a couple weeks ago but he said himself that he woulda been asked to leave too considering he and jeremy [sk8xedgex] get into a lot of trouble together. jeremy wasn't kicked off, but he was asked to leave, if that makes sense?
Stop with the Crazy talk, Your making me *Blush*