only 4 days left until prom [
], and my face is broken....out, that is. that's just GREAT!!!
rick got called to work for a few days- finally. he's already in a better mood b/c of it. i wish it didn't have to be right NOW ,though. he'll be working tomorrow, friday, and saturday. SATURDAY!!! the day of prom!!! i want to make sure i'm as well rested as possible on saturday [i.e.= nap city], but i'll be home alone with the monkey. then i have to drive her over to rick's mom's house [she'll be spending the night there saturday...her first overnight visit away from us], which is kind of a ways away. i hope i can drop her off early, so i can have as much prom-prepping time as possible. since rick starts work at 6am, he's gonna be all tired and bitchy that night, too. still- we really need this. we've been driving each other crazy, with him being home all the time, and we really, really need the money, even if it's only 3 days worth of work.
i can't really figure out how i'm supposed to mix slow songs with the rest of the stuff i'm playing. maybe i could just toss all the slow songs together at the end of my shift? i kind of didn't want to do that, though. ugh- that's why i didn't want to play slow songs, but this IS a prom. i guess i'll just play them and not worry about it, even though it'll probably end up sounding kind of messy.
i can't get the sgchat to work again. i think rick did something to it when he tried to sign on earlier. it keeps closing the connection on me. it's very frustrating

rick got called to work for a few days- finally. he's already in a better mood b/c of it. i wish it didn't have to be right NOW ,though. he'll be working tomorrow, friday, and saturday. SATURDAY!!! the day of prom!!! i want to make sure i'm as well rested as possible on saturday [i.e.= nap city], but i'll be home alone with the monkey. then i have to drive her over to rick's mom's house [she'll be spending the night there saturday...her first overnight visit away from us], which is kind of a ways away. i hope i can drop her off early, so i can have as much prom-prepping time as possible. since rick starts work at 6am, he's gonna be all tired and bitchy that night, too. still- we really need this. we've been driving each other crazy, with him being home all the time, and we really, really need the money, even if it's only 3 days worth of work.
i can't really figure out how i'm supposed to mix slow songs with the rest of the stuff i'm playing. maybe i could just toss all the slow songs together at the end of my shift? i kind of didn't want to do that, though. ugh- that's why i didn't want to play slow songs, but this IS a prom. i guess i'll just play them and not worry about it, even though it'll probably end up sounding kind of messy.
i can't get the sgchat to work again. i think rick did something to it when he tried to sign on earlier. it keeps closing the connection on me. it's very frustrating

I did a full on strip show the other day but it was so fast that it was between camera refreshes.
[Edited on May 15, 2003]